A Letter From Steven Gundry, MD:
My name is Dr. Steven Gundry. I’ve worked in medicine for over 40 years. I’m probably best known for my work as a cardiothoracic surgeon and heart surgeon… but today my focus is on something very different:
Teaching people how to avoid surgery by using my unique vision of human nutrition.
My mission is to improve your health, happiness, and longevity by making simple changes to your diet.
I am the Director and Founder of the International Heart & Lung Institute as well as the Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara, CA. Every day at these offices, I help patients learn how to take control of their weight, health, and energy by using my surprisingly simple diet advice.
In just a moment, I’ll show you how to get full access to my advice without having to wait a year for an appointment. But first, I’d like to quickly tell you the STORY of how I went from being a top cardiac surgeon to being a researcher and author focused on cutting-edge human nutrition.
Education, Experience, & Background
I did my pre-med undergrad studies at Yale University — graduated cum laude — and then got my M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia. Next, I began my surgical residency at the University of Michigan. While there, I was chosen to participate in a prestigious research program run by the National Institutes of Health.
This is where my love of scientific research was born, and I ended up writing more papers than any other previous resident at Michigan. Throughout my career, I combined my love of research with my intimate knowledge of heart surgery… and ended up creating some lasting innovations in the field.
I was one of the first 20 surgeons to test the implantable left ventricular assist device, a type of artificial heart. I also helped pioneer the use of robots for minimally-invasive heart surgery. I hold the record for the longest-surviving pig-to-baboon heart transplant – a procedure called xenotransplantation.
I also hold patents on numerous medical devices, including…

- The “Gundry Retrograde Cardioplegia Cannula” — used to keep hearts alive during surgery
- The “Skoosh Venous Cannula” — the world’s most widely-used transfer tube for minimally-invasive heart surgery.
- The “Gundry Lateral Tunnel” — a living tissue that helps repair the hearts of children with severe genetic heart defects.
In 1985, I was invited by Loma Linda University School of Medicine to serve as Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics… and eventually served as Chairman and Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Over the next 16 years, I’m proud to say that my colleague Leonard Bailey and I performed more infant and pediatric heart transplants than anyone else in the world. I’m also quite proud to have operated in more than 30 countries – including charitable missions to China, India, and Zimbabwe.

My Shift Away From Heart Surgery
But I never stopped doing my own independent research.
I’ve published over 300 articles or book chapters on cardiac surgery as well as on nutritional breakthroughs dealing with high cholesterol, heart disease, and hypertension.
In 2001, I met a so-called “hopeless” patient suffering from heart disease. By making some unusual changes in his diet — almost by chance — this man made a complete turnaround. I was eventually able to give him the quadruple bypass surgery that has kept him alive to this day.
In working with him, I made some major discoveries that changed the course of my career. I learned what nutrients were deficient in the American Diet, and which of our “staple” foods were actually toxic to the human body.
So, in 2002, I abruptly left my position at Loma Linda and founded my own practice at the International Heart & Lung Institute. I began to treat patients with this new dietary philosophy and started seeing transformative results. Then, in 2008, I published my first book on nutrition — “Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution”.
My work in finding solutions to reversing disease through nutrition has continued, resulting in my first “Paradox” series books: “The Plant Paradox” in 2017 and the sequel in 2018, “The Plant Paradox Cookbook”.
Perhaps those two books are my proudest achievement to date as it outlines, with statistical data and proven research, the real culprit behind every ailment – from auto-immune disorders to migraines. I hope you’ll pick up a copy for you or a family member that may be suffering. Tens of thousands of peoples’ lives have been dramatically improved from following the Plant Paradox program (if you don’t believe me, just Google Kelly Clarkson’s weight loss).
I thank you for your time and I look forward to helping you achieve health, happiness, and longevity!
Always looking out for you,
Steven Gundry, MD