“Disease begins and ends in the gut.”
The Gundry philosophy is a radical break from the traditional dietary “wisdom” which has failed so many Americans over the past few decades.
My research offers a breakthrough for those of you who have struggled for years with low energy levels, unhealthy weight, and frequent illness. If you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked… I’d like to offer you HOPE.
My philosophy centers around the fact that the human digestive system is a very complex and very sensitive machine. It needs key energy sources that you’re not getting in your diet… and at the same time, it’s damaged by a huge number of foods that are a big part of our “Standard American Diet.”
So, let’s start with one of the key energy sources you’re NOT getting in your diet right now — which you need to be getting as much of as possible…

1) Get lots of POLYPHENOLS into your body.
Polyphenols are a micronutrient found in certain plants. Dark blue or purple fruits — like pomegranate, mulberries, Aronia berries — are very dense with polyphenols. They’re also found in many other food sources, including: extra virgin olive oil, celery seed extract, capers, hazelnuts, coffee beans, ginger, red wine, dark chocolate, endive, kale, fennel seed, pine bark, and more.
But the fact is, they’re missing in our processed “Standard American Diet.” Worse, some high-polyphenol foods — such as tomatoes — should be avoided because they also contain digestion-wrecking compounds.
I’m constantly raving about polyphenols because they’re incredible natural energy boosters and they provide so many other healing benefits…
1) Get lots of POLYPHENOLS into your body.
Polyphenols are a micronutrient found in certain plants. Dark blue or purple fruits — like pomegranate, mulberries, Aronia berries — are very dense with polyphenols. They’re also found in many other food sources, including: extra virgin olive oil, celery seed extract, capers, hazelnuts, coffee beans, ginger, red wine, dark chocolate, endive, kale, fennel seed, pine bark, and more.
But the fact is, they’re missing in our processed “Standard American Diet.” Worse, some high-polyphenol foods — such as flaxseed — should be avoided because they also contain digestion-wrecking compounds.
I’m constantly raving about polyphenols because they’re incredible natural energy boosters and they provide so many other healing benefits…

1. Polyphenols improve blood vessel function
My own landmark study — presented to the American Heart Association in 2013 — proved that a diet HIGH in polyphenols and LOW in lectins can significantly improve blood vessel function and help lower the markers for cardiovascular disease.
2. Polyphenols help balance healthy cholesterol levels
Studies show that a type of polyphenol called anthocyanin can help decrease your “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and help increase your HDL, or “good,” cholesterol levels.
3. Polyphenols strengthen your digestive system
Polyphenols help you digest your food better by “feeding” the microorganisms in your gut that keep you healthy. In this way, they’re essential to reducing digestive issues (like gas or bloating), boosting your immune system, and helping your body process more energy from food.
Bottom line: Your body needs polyphenols from the right sources and simply cannot function correctly without them.
Now, let’s move onto a dangerous plant protein you’re getting way too much of in your diet right now, and which is responsible for massive health problems across the board.
2) Avoid LECTINS in your diet as much as possible.
Bread. Pasta. Grains. Potatoes. Rice. Corn. Peppers. Tomatoes. Beans. Lentils. Seeds.
What do these foods have in common? Well, they’re probably in almost all your favorite dishes… but they’re also chock-full of a dangerous plant toxin known as LECTINS.
Most people have never even heard of them, but I believe lectins are the #1 Greatest Danger in the American Diet.
My published research has shown that if you’re overweight, if you get sick way too often, have allergies or skin conditions, or you suffer with terrible indigestion no matter what you eat — you’re most likely dealing with intolerance to lectins.
So, what are lectins? They’re just a type of protein found in most plants… but they’re actually toxic to the human body. You’ve heard of gluten allergies? Well, gluten is a type of lectin — but it’s not nearly the most toxic. That honor goes to the red kidney bean, which can cause extreme food poisoning if eaten even slightly undercooked.

I already told you how my clinical study for the AMA showed that lectins were linked to blood vessel damage and even higher risk of heart disorders. But they’re responsible for a lot more…
1. Lectins cause massive digestive damage
Lectins don’t get broken down by your GI tract, so they disrupt your digestion, reduce energy absorption, weaken your immune system, and throw off your gut bacteria.
2. Lectins poke holes in your intestinal walls and leak into your bloodstream
This is known as “Leaky Gut,” and it causes massive inflammation all over your body. This can damage your internal organs, your joint tissues, and may even be the source of autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes mellitus.
3. Lectins are directly linked to weight gain
Lectins stick to your insulin receptors and block the hormone which controls your appetite. And when this hormone is blocked, your brain never gets the “message” you’re full — so you just keep eating! Studies show conclusively that blocking this hormone actually causes human weight gain.
My second and third book, The Plant Paradox and The Plant Paradox Cookbook, deals primarily with the damage caused by lectins. It also recommends some easy ways, such as swapping out certain ingredients, to protect yourself from their harmful effects.
Finally, let me explain just how important it is to heal your digestive system if you want whole-body health and serious longevity…

3) Take care of the GOOD BACTERIA in your gut and it will take care of YOU.
Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician and “Father of Modern Medicine,” once famously said: “All disease begins in the gut.” Recent advances in medical technology have finally allowed us to understand how true this really is.
You see, over the past 20 years, scientists have been studying the “environment” inside the human digestive system. It’s known as the “microbiome,” and it is home to literally trillions of microscopic cells: yeasts, viruses, and especially many hundreds of species of bacteria.
- There are “good” strains of bacteria, which keep you healthy and metabolizing food efficiently.
- And there are “bad” strains, which make you sick, tired, fat, and unhappy.
3) Take care of the GOOD BACTERIA in your gut and it will TAKE CARE OF YOU.
Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician and “Father of Modern Medicine,” once famously said: “All disease begins in the gut.” Recent advances in medical technology have finally allowed us to understand how true this really is.
You see, over the past 20 years, scientists have been studying the “environment” inside the human digestive system. It’s known as the “microbiome,” and it is home to literally trillions of microscopic cells: yeasts, viruses, and especially many hundreds of species of bacteria.
- There are “good” strains of bacteria, which keep you healthy and metabolizing food efficiently.
- And there are “bad” strains, which make you sick, tired, fat, and unhappy.

Most scientists agree that Americans are suffering with a major gut imbalance. The added sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined carbs, and processed foods have caused your “fat” bacteria to grow out of control.
And you’re paying the price with symptoms that include: weight gain, indigestion, unhealthy skin, constipation, low energy, mood swings, and poor immune function.
Now, you’ve heard about probiotics — and I am a supporter of probiotics — but with a CATCH. First, here’s what I’ve been quoted on about probiotics:
“Probiotics have an incredible power to transform your digestion and create bio-energy. They make your body run better, they fight disease, and allow you to eat the foods you want without the digestive discomfort.”
— Dr. Steven Gundry
Probiotics are only one small part of the “microbiome” in your gut. It’s just as important to make sure you’re feeding and nourishing the good bacteria with the nutrients they need. We already talked about how polyphenols are proven to fuel your good bacteria, but they need something else as well…
Prebiotic Fiber.
Certain foods are rich in this fiber — tubers, rutabagas, parsnips, chicory, etc. — and their effect on your digestion and metabolism is remarkable. Prebiotic fiber actually helps reduce your cravings for fattening and unhealthy foods.
Your gut health influences so many things in your body — skin vitality, energy levels, metabolism, ability to fight off disease… it even influences your moods and brain function. This is why taking care of your gut bacteria is the cornerstone of the Gundry philosophy.
Some easy-to-remember tips to help with your diet and weight-loss.
- Take care of your gut and it will take care of you.
- The purpose of food is to get olive oil in your mouth.
- If you eat “dark green,” you will become lean.
- More bitter, more better.
- If you eat fake fats, you’ll get heart attacks.
- Weight off fast, won’t last… weight off slow, you’re good to go.