Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Dr. Gundry podcast, the weekly podcast where Dr. G gives you the tools you need to boost your health and live your healthiest life.
Dr. Gundry (00:16):
Ever since I first published the Plant Paradox back in 2007, I’ve been recommending my patients to shop at the online marketplace, Thrive Market. Why? Well first of all, it’s one of the best places to find many Plant Paradox friendly foods all in one place, especially those more unique products probably not found at your grocery store like konjac noodles or coconut aminos. To help simplify your shopping experience, I’ve created my own Dr. Gundry grocery store on Thrive Market, plus Thrive Market also offers great deals on everything from grass fed beef and natural wine to eco friendly cleaning products and lectin free baking supplies. Better yet, Thrive Market members save an average of $32 on every order, $32. So how can you become a member? It’s simple, just go to thrivemarket.com/gundrypodcast, you’ll not only find my Gundry approved shopping list, but when you join you’ll also get a free gift of your choosing and 25% off your first order. That’s thrivemarket.com/gundrypodcast to start your risk free membership and get your free gift today. That’s thrivemarket.com/gundrypodcast.
Kimberly Snyder (01:34):
Welcome to the feel good podcast with Kimberly Snyder. My goal is to help you develop a holistic lifestyle based on our four cornerstone philosophy, food, body, emotional well being and spiritual growth. This holistic approach will help you feel good, which I define as being connected to your most authentic highest self, and this is the place from which your energy, confidence, creativity, true power and true beauty will start to explode. Every week we provide you with interviews from top experts in their field or a solo cast from yours truly, to support you in living your most beautiful, healthy and joyful life. I’m your host Kimberly Snyder, founder Solluna, New York Times bestselling author and holistic wellness nutrition and meditation teacher. Let’s get started.
Dr. Gundry (02:26):
Welcome to the Dr. Gundry Podcast. Well, with the lockdown in place for over a year now many of us are at an all time high when it comes to frustration and utter confusion. That’s why today I brought in a special guest to share his views on everything that’s been going on, and it may lead to one of my most controversial episodes yet. He’s Dr. Joseph Mercola, an alternative medicine guru multiple New York Times bestselling author and founder of the Natural Health website mercola.com. Dr. Mercola has never shied away from controversy, his work as elicited to debate across the medical and non medical community alike and his new book is no exception. Dr. Mercola and co author Ronnie Cummins recently released The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal.
Today, Dr. Mercola and I are going to discuss the evidence surrounding the origins, impacts, prevention and treatment of COVID-19, and how you and your loved ones can support your long term health. Now, before we get started, I want to point out the Dr. Mercola and I do share different beliefs on the matter, including the origin of the virus and the effectiveness of vaccines. However, I think it’s extremely important, especially when it comes to your health, that you stay educated and have every chance to make your own decisions. Dr. Mercola, it’s great to have you back on the show.
Dr. Mercola (03:58):
Well, glad to be here. Thank you for having me.
Dr. Gundry (04:00):
All right, let’s dive in. In the very first chapter, you say that the pandemic was actually long anticipated. What exactly did you mean by this?
Dr. Mercola (04:11):
Well, some people already know this because they’ve been following it, it’s widely recognized that there was an event that happened about eight weeks, maybe six to eight weeks prior to the pandemic. It occurred in October 2019, it was called Event 201, it was held at Johns Hopkins University in alliance with the Bill Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. They essentially had a coronavirus catastrophe trial run as to what they would do, and they predicted exactly the same strategy. So I don’t think it’s any coincidence that it occurred six weeks before, and then the other issue is that there’s extensive, extensive evidence showing the significant gain of function studies that were funded by not only the US but many international agencies to work on coronavirus to weaponize them, and there’s no denial this happened. It happened in North Carolina with Raul Ferric, who worked with many of the leading coronavirus experts at Wuhan and I think it’s just anything less than idle speculation that this virus wasn’t engineered in a lab doesn’t.
I’m not suggesting or claiming that it was intentionally released but it was clearly engineered in the lab, and the there’s incredible evidence too, I mean, that sounds like an outrageous claim especially when the Chinese scientists, the expert, called the bat woman published… No she didn’t publish but there’s a variety of leading investigators published a review in nature that countered this claim. It would take us way too long to go into the deep side that debates that, but essentially, that was a false narrative.
Dr. Gundry (06:03):
Now, coronavirus is obviously, the common cold is a coronavirus, and they have the ability to mutate and mutate rapidly. In fact, a year ago, I predicted that one of the problems was going to be that this virus is going to mutate and mutate all the time and obviously, that’s what’s happening. So what’s the possibility that this virus could just mutated and just continues to mutate?
Dr. Mercola (06:34):
Well, it’s certainly a possibility and it will, more than likely, that’s just the nature of viruses.
Dr. Gundry (06:39):
Viruses, yeah.
Dr. Mercola (06:40):
Behavior. But the specific functionality that is demonstrated it with the HIV spike protein and these other glycoproteins that are in there, that didn’t occur naturally. I mean, these are exact replicated copies of HIV. So that was put there by a lab. I mean, if you look into study the evidence really clearly, that there’s no way to deny that. There’s well documented and peer reviewed scientifically published journals, in PubMed, you can pull them up and you can find them and they documented what they were doing. It wasn’t like they were trying to keep it private.
Dr. Gundry (07:20):
Right. But I mean, HIV was a naturally occurring virus.
Dr. Mercola (07:26):
Yeah, but it never connected with coronavirus.
Dr. Gundry (07:29):
With bats. Right?
Dr. Mercola (07:30):
A very specific segment of HIV that’s responsible for improving the infectivity. So that didn’t happen.
Dr. Gundry (07:38):
I thought one of your points that I take well in the book, we were supposed to be prepared for a pandemic. What happened? Go into that.
Dr. Mercola (07:50):
Well, I mean, if you go to Event 201 that’s what their justification is, but just look at the response, they were essentially able to shut down the global economy. I don’t think this has ever occurred in human history before, you have this type of control, this type of response to an infection that is admittedly, orders of magnitude less serious than many other infections that we’ve encountered. I mean, I think that’s the crux of the debate, how serious was an infection, they created fear in the population that allowed them to implement these authoritative controls. That is the crux of it. You got to wonder how, what caused them to do this? We can go into that is the justification or how they did it, because it’s very clever. It’s a very sophisticated plan on how they were able to achieve this, and it’s a result of much of the exponential advances that we’ve had in technology, allowing them to get surveillance, to capture data and understand exactly what our behavior patterns are and what it takes to manipulate and control of behavior. This is a been a very cleverly orchestrated implementation.
Dr. Gundry (09:01):
Well, I think you and I are both agreeing, we’ve talked off camera about this, the most susceptible people to COVID-19, obviously have pre existing conditions and obesity is right up there top of the list. Where we and I think you and I both agree that if this could have been one of the best things that could have ever happened to put our awareness on where it needs to be in mobilizing our own internal forces to not be susceptible to this virus. I think that’s a large portion of your book, and I don’t want to take words out of your mouth.
Dr. Mercola (09:46):
Now that’s a pretty decent summary. Yeah, you’re right, this viral attack could have been a wake up call to help us understand how to improve our metabolic flexibility which you and I both agree on. I just read your recent book Energy Paradox, in fact, interviewed before so I’m quite familiar with your recent work. The challenge then, the proper response in an educated public health and physician population would have been to exactly what you say, to improve our metabolic flexibility through a variety of strategies, we’ll talk about in a bit. But instead, it was not the path that was chosen, but the path that was chosen was to convinced us that the only, the only solution is a vaccine, and you will not be free from this mask and shutdown and the businesses and the school systems and sporting events until everyone is vaccinated. And you know what? It didn’t change, it didn’t change.
You still have to wear the mask even though you have a negative test and you’ve had been vaccinated. They’re not changing, they promise something, they always are changing the goalposts. It’s brilliant strategy if really carefully analyze what they’ve done. I mean, it’s just unbelievable, they want you to believe they’re helping you but that is really, extensively that’s their statements, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Dr. Gundry (11:20):
I wrote an editorial last March, suggesting that very much like what you and I talked about that we should have gone to the status of World War II war and we did rationing and World War II, that interestingly enough had huge benefits to all countries that instituted food rationing. Our diabetes plummeted, the diabetes rates in Norway and Denmark and London, England plummeted, our heart disease plummeted, deaths plummeted, when we ration flour and sugar. I suggested that this would be the perfect time, we could reprint all the ration coupon books, and let’s get our population rapidly into shape. We did it for a war effort, and if this wasn’t a war effort, I mean, what else mattered? Why didn’t we do something like that?
Dr. Mercola (12:20):
Because there was a different intention, a different desire, a different outcome. I mean, if there wasn’t this conflict of interest that permeated in the entire system, that would have been the logical and rational solution, and we would have not only improved our resilience to infections, but our overall health because it’s the same common denominator primarily related to insulin resistance. I mean, that’s a big factor, but anything that contributes to insulin resistance is also going to radically increase all the chronic gender diseases. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis. So if you fix the immune challenge, you’ve pretty much fixed every other aspect of your metabolism and your physiological systems that will improve your resilience to all diseases. So what are those things?
Well, I wrote a peer reviewed review article and I think October nutrients which is a pretty good journal, and that if you viewed vitamin D, I mean, that’s clearly the best, the evidence for the effectiveness of vitamin D is incredible. I put up a website that is free to use, there’s not an email capture, you don’t have to put your email in. It’s just all information, it’s a quick short two minute test that tells you what your risk factor is for getting COVID-19, and then also an abbreviated, actually pretty easy to read concise summary, in layman’s terms of the all the review literature that supports the recommendation of vitamin D and exactly how to implement it, because it’s probably one of the single most powerful nutrient implementations.
You don’t have to swallow vitamin D, I haven’t swallowed vitamin D for over 10 years and my level is highly therapeutic, usually over 60 nanograms per milliliter. But however you get, I mean, there’s more benefits to get from the sun than swallow. But most people, 95% of people, I think we talked about this too in our interviews just can’t get enough sun exposure for the wide variety of reasons. So if you’re not in that population, and you kind of have to swallow some and I got the specific details in there, because vitamin D has been a passion of mine for over two decades. The reason that we focused on our interview for your book Energy Paradox was time restricted eating. I mean doesn’t cost you anything, just constricting your eating window to six to eight hours and that’s not something you jump into, if you’re eating 16 hours a day, you got to gradually go down, let your body adjust, because it needs time to shift over these metabolic systems and if you do it all at once, you will crash and burn and you will say many words you wish you hadn’t said and never go back to it again. We don’t want you to do that, we want you to go slowly. So those are the two big ones.
Dr. Gundry (14:55):
Yeah, I think that’s great advice and certainly what I do in my book. Now, you talk in your book that, junk food and 70% of the food everybody eats is junk food, that causes gut and immune system damage, and that causes chronic disease. Again, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that that causes you to be susceptible to any virus, particularly the COVID-19 virus which seems to exacerbate the cytokine storm of an overactive immune system.
Dr. Mercola (15:30):
Yes, absolutely. So junk food, I think is actually higher is probably 90% of people, I think it’s 66% of the food is ultra processed food, which is the type of food that you find in the normal gas station, but I think 90% of it, or maybe 95% is processed. So the key is you don’t want processed food and the most pernicious without any shadow of a doubt, even a micro doubt, in my mind, at least is the vegetable oils, you just cannot have them. Obviously, you don’t want to buy them pre purchase in a bottle, but you want to read [esiduas 00:16:03] detail the nutrition labels to avoid all those vegetable oils, and you got to read the labels. So pretty much if you’re buying processed food is likely it contains vegetable oils. Canola, corn, safflower, sesame, they’re all needed restricted now. Could you have a teaspoon or tablespoon? Yeah, but most people are getting literally five, six, seven, 10, 20 as much as they have and I think that’s the primary issue.
The problem is with it, this is a fatty acid, it gets integrated into your cell membranes, in your dip sides, your fat cells and it’s stored for years. I mean, if you go on to elimination of linoleic acid, the most common fatty acid in omega six fats and in vegetable oils, the most pernicious one, it’s going to take you five to seven years to get rid of it. So if you started today, so obviously, you’re going to be metabolically challenged for a long time, you can do other things to improve your metabolic resilience, but with respect to linoleic acid, you’re going to be at increased risk and there’s some great things you can do to acutely to, I guess, adjust your increased risk for these infections or if you do come down because I have many friends and relatives who came down with this, they weren’t eating optimally and they had a variety of other risk factors and they got sick.
But there’s a simple intervention that I discuss in detail my book, and in my website that is pretty high or over 90%. It’s between 90% and 100%. David Bronstein published a clinical trial, he published the trial of 100 people, but he’s actually now it’s over 200 people and had 100% success rate with it, no one died, everyone got better. So that intervention is nebulized hydrogen peroxide, and isn’t it interesting, that’s precisely the exact molecule that your body uses to treat infections through hydrogen peroxide, and it does it at the molecular level and when you inhale at a very tiny concentration, not the concentration that you buy off the shelf.
I mean, it’s literally 30 times lower concentration that you inhale. So there’s no risk, there’s no side effects, it’s almost free the only cost need is the nebulizer and we don’t have enough time to go into details. I’ve got extensive videos on my site, you just go there and the search engine type nebulized peroxide and you’ll find a variety of interviews and specific detailed instructions on how to do it because it’s like anything in life, the devils in the details, and if you don’t implement it precisely, you’re not going to get the results you’re looking for.
Dr. Gundry (18:34):
Just to be clear, you don’t want people to go buy hydrogen peroxide and drink it.
Dr. Mercola (18:39):
No, no, no. It probably wouldn’t work. I don’t know if that’s dangerous but we recommend food grade peroxide which doesn’t have the stabilizers that are in the ones you buy off the shelf. Although because you’re diluting it 30 to one, you could use it and you got to know what to dilute it with, you don’t want to dilute it with distilled water has to be normal sailing and there’s a lot of specific details that really optimizes it. I have hundreds of people that I’ve recommended this to and I’ve seen no one fail with it. It’s amazing, absolutely amazing. I don’t sell this peroxide, I don’t sell the nebulizer, I’m just telling you what works. But that’s an acute thing, it’s obviously not addressing the fundamental reason why we’re getting sick, which is the vitamin D, the time restricted eating processed foods and vegetable oils.
Dr. Gundry (19:22):
So other than throwing away the processed foods and vegetable oils any favorite particular foods that you would recommend our listeners start today to help you know prevent COVID-19?
Dr. Mercola (19:37):
Well, that’s a whole long discussion which we partially agree on. I’m a bigger fan of saturated fat than you are, I believe. Healthy saturated fats is one of the things I think that most people benefit from. These could be things like raw cocoa butter, regular butter, even coconut oil, MCT oil, tallow beef fat, animal proteins, but not that are what raised humanely, non CAFO, confined animal feeding operations, organic preferably even grass fed. So the composition of the fatty acids is more optimized for human health. But those are long term strategies and there are other acute supplements that you could use in addition to hydrogen peroxide, although I do think that’s the most potent and effective acute intervention.
But there’s things like quercetin, which is a bioflavonoid polyphenol and it works very similar hydroxychloroquine. But it needs to be taken with zinc, the primary mechanism of action although there are others is that it serves to drive the zinc inside the cell while it enhances the immune response. So that’s what hydroxychloroquine, we believe that’s the mechanism of action. Of course, it’s going works very similarly, it also have some other benefits that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t metabolically. In addition to being less expensive, less side effects and available without a prescription.
Dr. Gundry (21:04):
Dr. Mercola (21:04):
Which is pretty darn convenient. So there’s a few other things like melatonin seems to be work pretty well as it augments and things like an acetal cysteine and a snack for short, which works when you having symptomatic COVID it works actually is an alternative to a blood thinner or heparin because these increased coagulation defects tend to occur as a result of some of the cytokine issues that result from exposure to COVID-19. Another interesting fact that many people aren’t typically aware of and that is the issue of long hauler syndrome or residual symptoms that persist after the infection is gone.
I interviewed Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who’s a brave courageous family physician in New York, who’s done a lot to popularize his treatments in under a great personal attack. He and other clinicians confirmed the fact that if you treat the virus in the first five days prior to its having the ability to replicate wildly, and just infect your body in massive numbers, the incidence of long haul system syndrome, essentially disappears, you don’t get it. If you apply these interventions quick like the hydrogen peroxide, or you could use hydroxychloroquine, you could use ivermectin, you can use a whole wide variety of therapies. There’s not one magic bullet that works, there’s a many. Ideally, you don’t need it. I mean, and you can use large bolus dose of vitamin D if you’re low, but now that’s not good. It takes a while for the vitamin D to kick in. So you need something really strong right away, and if you can get it right away, you’ll prevent a long hauler or all the long term complication, which is really good to know because who wants to be sick for decades?
Dr. Gundry (22:56):
Yeah, and I think the other thing, certainly in other cases of autoimmune diseases which I specialize in now.
Dr. Mercola (23:05):
Dr. Gundry (23:06):
We know that many times it’s actually a viral illness that actually starts leaky gut, and I’m convinced that a lot of the long haulers, the COVID virus, which obviously goes after gut lining, as well as any other mucous lining may potentiate the leaky gut that then starts the long hauler syndrome as well.
Dr. Mercola (23:30):
Yeah. That’s one of the reason why vitamin D is so useful.
Dr. Gundry (23:34):
Oh, yeah.
Dr. Mercola (23:34):
Because it heals that lining, that gut barrier. I’m it’s magical almost. That’s one of it’s primary… because Vitamin D enhances the innate immune system and that gut barrier is part of your innate immune system.
Dr. Gundry (23:47):
Yeah, there’s also evidence that I showed in the longevity paradox that the stem cells that obviously repopulate the gut wall rapidly, they actually have to be pushed to differentiate by vitamin D, and it’s something that I discovered early in my practice of autoimmune patients who all, universally have very low vitamin D levels and it took us a high dose vitamin D to get them to a point where they began to repair their gut wall. So yeah, like you I’m a huge fan of vitamin D.
Dr. Mercola (24:23):
Yeah, and even into the white blood cells and the phagocytes. I don’t think is widely known because when you and I went to medical school, which is about the same time you preceded me by a bit, but it was that when you studied vitamin D in med school, you were taught, you and I both are taught that it was first hydroxylated in liver and then in the kidneys, right?
Dr. Gundry (24:23):
Dr. Mercola (24:42):
Well, that still is true today, but those [hydroxylations 00:24:47] occur in other tissues, specifically, in your white blood cells, they have the ability to take the raw vitamin D and convert it to the active form. That’s why it’s so important to have that on board because your white blood cells needed to provide their immune support function. Without it, they don’t do as well.
Dr. Gundry (25:05):
Yeah. I’ll tell you two interesting vitamin D stories that you’ll appreciate. I have two elderly female patients in their 80s, who are my patients, their husbands are not. I quite frankly, most of my patients, I’m getting their vitamin D levels up to about 100 nanograms per milliliter during COVID or above, quite frankly. Both of these individuals and their husbands caught COVID last March. Both women had a mild illness lasted 48 hours, they said it felt like cold. One husband spent 56 days in the ICU and five and a half months in the hospital, and the other husband died. I’m not saying both of the women followed what I asked them to do, but both of them had very high vitamin D levels, and their husbands had poo pooed it. I can tell you those men who is now finally out of the hospital is taking his vitamin D.
Dr. Mercola (26:08):
At that point the horses out of the barn and most of damage is done.
Dr. Gundry (26:15):
Dr. Mercola (26:15):
He’s lucky he’s alive. I’m not suggesting this viruses imaginary as some self people are in our space. This syndrome exists-
Dr. Gundry (26:26):
Oh, yeah.
Dr. Mercola (26:28):
That die from this but most of these deaths were mischaracterized. I mean, it’s really, really clear, there was no increase in absolute deaths between 2019 to 2020. It wasn’t like we had another 500,000 people die additionally from COVID. No, we had people who happen to have a positive COVID test and that was incorrectly done because the PCR test, the cycle threshold was amplified much higher than it should have been misdiagnosed, false positive, and they have motorcycle accident that killed them, and they were COVID death. Give me a break. I mean, that is such an extreme perversion of the truth. Then the counterpart of that is the exact opposite. The exact opposite. You get the COVID vaccine, you die tomorrow. Coincidence, coincidence, and there’s 9000 people that have died of the COVID vaccine, and that’s according to [Theas 00:27:19] which reports 1% of the complications.
Dr. Gundry (27:25):
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Now, you mentioned something in the book, and I think it’s a very good point, and that is yes, a lot of these deaths list COVID as the cause of death but, they list two, three, four, five, six comorbidities on the death certificate.
Dr. Mercola (30:39):
Yeah, that’s true.
Dr. Gundry (30:40):
I agree with you that the takeaway I think for all of us is, look, folks, look at all the comorbidities and if you’re carrying comorbidities, these pre existing conditions, guess what? You’re a setup for this. I think we both agree on that.
Dr. Mercola (30:59):
Well, you’re a setup for getting sick.
Dr. Gundry (31:02):
Sick, exactly.
Dr. Mercola (31:04):
The vast majority of people die between 70 and 80. I mean, our average age of death is in the low 80s. So the most of people die, well close to the time that we’re going to expire anyway, if you had these comorbidities, you’re just accelerating the process, whether it’s COVID, whether flu, or some other disease. It’s not hitting young children. It just doesn’t, it doesn’t. Some young children die, yes, they have other risk factors that have contributed to that, but that was a very rare experience. They essentially did not suffer from this.
Dr. Gundry (31:35):
What do you think about the connection, what appears to be a very strong connection between obesity and risk of contracting COVID and the risk of death from COVID.
Dr. Mercola (31:44):
Sure. Yeah, that’s exactly what we refer to, obesity is invariably is largely a result of insulin resistance-
Dr. Gundry (31:51):
Dr. Mercola (31:51):
There’s a variety factors that contribute to that. I believe excess linoleic acid is a primary one. Too much vegetable oils, too much processed foods, lack of exercise, of course, time restricted eating plays a factor, and there’s probably a dozen other variables. But once you address those, the obesity disappears. So you don’t need a low calorie diet. I mean, will people lose weight? Probably for a while, at least, but it doesn’t address the foundational cause. You got to address the cause if you’re going to get victory here. It could be something as simple as looking at blue light before you go to sleep every night and eating right before you go to sleep. Or sleeping for five hours which another radical increase of… Kurt Wright out of the Universe of Chicago, published this decades ago, showed very clearly that people who sleep less than six hours have radically increased insulin resistance and a risk for obesity. So there’s a lot of factors that contribute to it.
Dr. Gundry (32:43):
So okay, if there’s one thing our listeners can take away from our discussion today, why would you want that to be? Or two things.
Dr. Mercola (32:54):
Yeah, well, the key issue is that you can take control of your health, you don’t have to rely on this, understand that there are narratives, there are motivations to essentially brainwash our population with fear, which is one of the most powerful modding factors known to mankind. Fear, if you get people afraid you can almost do anything with them, and that’s what they’ve done, they’ve done it very effectively, very carefully. They knew exactly the precise buttons to push. So know that you are being manipulated and find good sources of truth that you can understand. Don’t just look at one side, don’t just look at my side or Dr. Gundry’s. Go around there and look and understand that if anything that contradicts the mainstream narrative is going to be removed. It’s going to be censored. It’s going to be de-platformed so you have to look at alternative strategies.
Fortunately, there are a variety of other video platforms that allow this information to be out there. So it’s there, you just have to look, it’s going to be a little harder. Understand that Google is a big part of this, the reason why we’re having this, and their search engine results are absolutely [inaudible 00:33:58], they’ve censored me and hundreds of other natural health sites so that we’re not in the search engine, you cannot find our materials there. Is it still in the internet? Yes, but it’s not in the search engines. So you have to use other strategies, and if you go to my site at mercola.com, we’ve got a daily newsletter that keeps you up to date on this, and there’s no charge for it, or just on our site and look on our search engine and find out what some of these topics because we’ve been one of the first on board.
I mean, I started my site before Google started their site in 1997. Google didn’t exist at that time. So I was an early adopter and the mission I had was to educate people about these issues. COVID just happens to be the latest challenge, we’ve had many in the past and we will continue to have more, because this is not the end of the line, it is not the end of the line, there’s going to be more. So that’s why you want to understand these interventions to improve your metabolic resistance to not only an infectious assault, like COVID, but whatever else comes down the road and any other chronic degenerative disease that you want to avoid. Why do you want to live in pain and suffer needlessly and rely on pharmaceutical band aid solutions that don’t even attempt to address the fundamental cause of the disease?
Dr. Gundry (35:07):
Well, you’re certainly preaching to the choir on my channel and again, you were really one of the beginning thought leaders in this whole area and I remember in the late ;90s, subscribing to your daily newsletter, and I appreciate all you’ve done for the natural movement.
Dr. Mercola (35:28):
Yeah, well, thank you and it was a joy and continues to be a joy. But those were the good old days when there was no censorship, when it was the free internet, when it was the wild, wild west and they have changed that in the last few years believe me. It is a totally different ballgame, if you can’t see that, then you’re simply blind. I mean, you’ve got to open up your eyes understand what’s going on around you, there’s a different new reality and the sooner you appreciate this, the sooner you’ll be able to escape this impending crushing process of this loss of personal freedoms and tyranny, tyrannical interventions, so dystopian.
Dr. Gundry (36:04):
This week’s question comes from Ian Smith, who says he now understand what leads to a weak immune system but wants to know what can cause an overactive immune system? What can be done? Is diet helpful?
Dr. Mercola (36:18):
Yeah, that’s an excellent question because it’s somewhat paradoxical and you’re an expert at the paradox with your paradox queries.
Dr. Gundry (36:26):
Dr. Mercola (36:28):
Because it is a paradox. So and you might be better qualified to answer that than me, but I would agree that this many vegetables and lectins and such can cause these types of reactions, but a variety of other things, pretty much all the strategies that we must address earlier, that lead to metabolic and flexibility and insulin resistance, if you address those, you’re going to improve the whole system. So it’s not just one magic bullet. We get into this problem so frequently, because we’re so used to the pharmaceutical paradigm, go to the doctor, and that’s what we’re taught in med school. It’s a drug paradigm. It’s been that way since 1910, because of Flexner Report, which is initiated by the Rockefeller and Carnegie. So essentially the medical education has been censored for 110 years.
So we’re not taught about this, we’re just taught a drug solution. So you come up with the symptoms, you give a drug. So that’s permeated the culture now they just want a simple pill, it’s not a simple pill. It’s a far more complex, comprehensive, holistic intervention to address the fundamental foundational cause. I’m sure your experience is much wider than mine, since I’ve not seen patients now for 10 to 15 years. But even your intervention, you told me works for 80%, maybe 90% of people and you got this other 10%, you don’t know what’s causing it. So you’ve got to get special strategies.
Dr. Gundry (37:49):
Yeah, it’s interesting. I have third year family practice residents rotating through my clinic and the shocking thing is, so they’re about to go into practice and not one of them has ever heard of measuring of fasting insulin level. Seriously. Ever.
Dr. Mercola (38:11):
You should get recommend that book by Joseph Kraft that is a seminal book, and he passed away recently he’s a pathologist, but he is the expert on actually providing very detailed regimens to make really accurate assessment of insulin resistance and tables and graphs and everything’s great. But then I would assign that book to them, Joseph Kraft. I forget the specific title, but it’s easy to find on Amazon.
Dr. Gundry (38:36):
All right. I got to let you go. It’s probably obvious where can people find you.
Dr. Mercola (38:43):
Yes, my last name, Mercola M-E-R-C-O-L-A.com and the book is an Amazon. So all the stores, it’s not censored yet, who knows Amazon might take it off the market, I don’t know. I doubt it. [inaudible 00:38:56] 51.
Dr. Gundry (39:01):
Yeah, you’re a lightning rod and keep up the good work because we need some lightning bolts.
Dr. Mercola (39:06):
Yeah, yeah we do because this suppression, and this tyrannical intervention is real, and it really is my new mission now. I mean, I’m venturing out and there’s hope folks, I’m not doom and gloom. The hope is a development of a decentralized internet, which is very similar to the blockchain and Bitcoin and actually that’s a really good strategy to is Bitcoin, is a valid cryptocurrency a way to have the government confiscating your funds and owning them yourself, become your own bank. But applications that can be built on this, the whole internet, which is we essentially make it uncensored and provide us with a whole different world. Web 3.0 that’s coming, it’s gonna take a few years and I’m working with some of the top technical people in the world on developing these long term solutions. So it’s it’s coming, folks just be patient.
Dr. Gundry (39:57):
All right. Thanks very much, appreciate it. Good luck with the book.
Dr. Mercola (40:01):
All right. Well, thank you.
Dr. Gundry (40:03):
All right, it’s time for the review of the week.
Speaker 5 (40:07):
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Dr. Gundry (40:36):
Ever since I quit my work as a heart surgeon and opened my two restorative medicine centers my mission has been the same, to help transform the health of every single person on the planet. That may sound crazy or even naive, but it really is my top priority. That’s why at 70 years old, I still see patients six days a week. It’s why I continue writing books and producing the Dr. Gundry podcast, and it’s why I’m asking you today to do something really important because you can play a big role in transforming lives too by leaving a quick review of the Dr. Gundry podcast on iTunes. If you have any questions for me, drop one into your review and I’ll be sure to answer it on a future episode of the podcast. The more ratings and reviews we get on iTunes, the more people we can reach with this powerful health message, and the best part is it only takes a moment, hit pause right now and write us a short review on iTunes. By leaving a quick review today, you can help thousands more people discover their path to optimal health.
So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, together I truly believe we can help everyone on this planet of ours achieve optimal health and that’s a goal worth fighting for. Thank you very much. Thank you. This week’s review comes from Lizard84, who says, “Dr. Gundry is my hero. 15 months ago I had serious gut issues. I did some research and came across Gundry on YouTube, bought his book The Plant Paradox and have had no stomach problems since then, I also lost loads of weight as well. I haven’t felt this good for at least 20 years. No more cravings for sweets, which still shocks me. I now crave veggies, nuts and fish. It’s a miracle.” Well, thank you very much Lizard84. That’s why every week every day, I’m working with patients just like you learning from them and in my research and thanks to all my patients, I’m going to be here every week for you bringing new advice and because I’m Dr. Gundry and I’m always looking out for you. Thanks.
Now before we get started, I want to point out the Dr. Mercola and I do share different beliefs on the matter, including the origin of the virus and the effectiveness of vaccines. However, I think it’s extremely important, especially when it comes to your health, that you stay educated and have every chance to make your own decisions.
Disclaimer. On the Dr. Gundry Podcast, we provide a venue for discussion and the views expressed by my guests do not necessarily reflect my own. Thanks for joining me on this episode of the Dr. Gundry Podcast. Before you go, I just wanted to remind you that you can find the show on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts, and if you want to watch each episode of the Dr. Gundry Podcast you could always find me on YouTube at youtube.com/dr.gundry because I’m Dr. Gundry and I’m always looking out for you.