Dr. Gundry's private practice: (760) 323-5553

Speaker 1 0:00
Welcome to the Dr. Gundry podcast, where Dr. Steven Gundry shares his groundbreaking research from over 25 years of treating patients with diet and lifestyle changes alone. Dr. Gundry and other wellness experts offer inspiring stories, the latest scientific advancements and practical tips to empower you to take control of your health and live a long happy life.

Dr Gundry 0:22
Best ways to get vinegar in your diet. Let me talk about the primary benefits of having vinegar every day. You may remember from unlocking the Keto CO that vinegar is a fermented foods, and fermented foods are good for you. But it turns out that fermentation that produces acetic acid may be one of the keys to actually improving your gut health. We now know that the bacteria that produce this marvelous short chain fatty acid called butyrate need to have acetic acid, another short chain fatty acid to produce butyrate. In fact, if they don’t have acetic acid, they can’t make Buterin. So where’s an easy way to get acetic acid vinegar? An additional benefit of Brinegar is that vinegars contain poly phenols. And the exciting thing about vinegars is that each different Vinegar has a different poly phenols. So the more different vinegars you use and drink and put on your food put in your food, the better off you are. So here are some of my favorite ways to get more vinegar in your diet. Now one of the easiest ways to do it is to just take a shot of it every morning, or add it to your green smoothie. You’ll never notice it’s in there. But your gut buddies will know salad dressings are the obvious way. I actually like to make all my own salad dressings. And I like to use a really high quality olive oil, like mine, but I like to mix it up with different vinegars. So one day, you may want to use white vinegar next day, you might want to use fig vinegar. The next day, you might want to use a balsamic vinegar. Mix it up, you can change every day, and just have a good time. use apple cider vinegar in your salad dressing. Now just a word of warning about store bought dressings. They’re full of sugar, they usually use really bad oils. So you got to read the labels very carefully. There are a few brands out there like Bragg’s like primal. But in general, it’s so easy to make these at home. All you need is a little shake bottle if you want to use like a magic bullet. That’s what I do at home. Feel free to use this as a base and just have fun. Throw dry mustard in their dry regular mustard in there. I like to use Italian herbs and spices in my salad dressing. However you use these, just pour it on. How about a healthy coat. Most of you have seen this on TV. But most of you actually don’t know that I was the originator of this in my first book unlocking the Keto code. It’s phenomenal taking balsamic vinegar, and I like the really thick stuff the aged one and pour it into sparkling water, particularly San Pellegrino. Now if you don’t want that bitter, you can actually add a little bit of allulose, which is my preferred sweetener, and that’ll sweeten it up and you’ll actually give your gut buddies even more of what they want. I’m amazed a couple of waitresses and one of my guests at lunch the other day they had never heard of such a thing. They wondered if I was drinking iced tea and wanted to refill my glass and I pointed out that I was putting balsamic vinegar in and they go What the heck and they went back to the store of the restaurant and he came back so oh my gosh, that is a great way to change it up. Add some lime or lemon to it. Other ways. Do like the Italians do. They drizzle aged balsamic over their ice cream. And I just happen to have coconut ice cream here. So you’ll see this in Italian restaurants and Italy all the time. put vinegar on your ice cream, but make sure it’s the sugar free coconut How about yogurt. Now yogurt is pretty teeny in the first place, but there’s no reason not to add vinegar to your yogurt. It’s an easy way to get more of these fermented foods in your diet. And if it’s a little tube changing for you take some allulose and sweeten it up. The other thing that I’ve talked about before, please please, please do not buy. Flavored yogurts do not buy fruit flavored yogurts. They are loaded with sugar, preferably by goat or sheep yogurt. They’re readily available in major stores now. And if it’s a little too tangy for you, just mix in some allulose, which will give you additional benefits and feeding your gut buddies without any calories. And believe it or not, allulose is a true sugar. It’s a true natural sugar was first discovered in figs by the way, add it to baked goods, you’ll notice that my waffle mix actually calls for adding some vinegar to the mix. So take a teaspoon of vinegar and put it in whatever you’re going to bake. The vinegar will be affected by heating, because you’re not actually looking for any friendly pro biotics, you’re actually looking for not only acetic acid, but you’re looking for the remnants of what those probiotics make. Post biotics and even the mother is some of the remnants that you’re looking for when you’re looking for vinegars. So don’t be afraid of vinegar. Embrace vinegar as probably one of the greatest health foods that you need to get more in your diet. And finally, I want to answer some of the questions you had about my most recent vinegar video on YouTube. Number one, doesn’t matter which vinegar I use. Actually, the more you mix it up, the better. I probably have eight to 10 Different vinegars in my cupboard at any time. And it’s really fun to play with these vinegars. They all have different tastes. They all have different poly phenols is there one with maximum benefits? No, they’re all going to have acetic acid, but you’re also looking for those poly phenol compounds. So look for darker ones look for different flavored ones. My favorite, quite frankly are balsamic. I love champagne vinegar. This is a great one fig balsamic vinegar that’s produced here in California. Got two of my favorite fruits. Age grapes and figs. Is rice vinegar. Okay. Yeah, rice vinegar was okay. Remember, fermentation destroys any lectins that’s in a food. So rice vinegar is perfectly acceptable. Next question, does vinegar break of fast? No, the good news is vinegar does not break fast. And moreover, it’s actually going to improve your ability to generate short chain fatty acids like butyrate. And you may remember that both butyrate and acetic acid acetate can be converted in the liver to ketones, so why not drink some tasty ketones? Next question, how important is it to use apple cider vinegar with the mother? Well, you’re really looking for the acetic acid, but the mother contains all those poly phenols and the post biotics that actually signal, your gut microbiome to be more diverse and I’m talking about a lot of this in my upcoming book. It’s actually really exciting information on why fermented foods are actually so valuable and it’s not what most people think. Next question, what about enamel? Doesn’t this strip enamel if I have too much. Now look, you’re not going to have a bottle of vinegar a day. And you’re usually going to have the vinegar with something else in a shot is just a shot is going to go down and it’s not going to be in contact with your mouth for very long. No, you can’t destroy your enamel with it. Can I have too much? I haven’t seen anybody have too much. I use it multiple times a day and I’m still standing. What can I use if I’m allergic to vinner?

This is actually a unusual question for me because we manufacture acetic acid in our gut constantly, so we we can’t be allergic to something that we make every day. And that’s present in our gut and for that matter in our bloodstream. So you’re probably allergic to something that vinegar was made from. So what I’d suggest is actually start with distilled vinegar, distilled white vinegar, which is only acetic acid, and see if you can tolerate that you’ll still get the acetic acid and then start looking for what you react to or not. This POM wine count as a vinegar. Well, palm wine that’s fermented to vinegar will become vinegar. But palm wine per se, is not necessarily vinegar. Now, there’s other great uses for vinegar. It’s great for cleaning, as most of you know, are there any other health benefits of drinking white vinegar, the only one is it is a source of acetic acid, but you’re leaving behind all the other polyphenols and post biotic compounds that really make true vinegar is much better for you in the long run. Doesn’t vinegar kill off bacteria, I’m confused as to how good it is for you, isn’t it handled as a toxic substance by the body, nothing could be further from the truth. Vinegar actually supports the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Vinegar is not a toxic substance. Acetic acid is normally produced in our body, it’s essential short chain fatty acid. And the more acetic acid you make the healthier you are exactly the opposite of your question. Vinegar hurts my stomach lining can’t take. Why is that? That’s another odd question. Because quite frankly, your stomach acid is so much more potent than the acid in vinegar. It’s not the acid in vinegar that’s bothering your stomach. So let’s try some tricks. Dilute it in a little bit of water or a whole glass of water and see if that changes things. use distilled white vinegar and dilute it, put it in yogurt, put it in salad. But it’s not the acid in vinegar, the acetic acid in vinegar is so mild, that it can’t possibly compete with the acid already in your stomach. Do this every day to look and feel younger and boost your energy.

All right, almost everything I put out into the world via YouTube. And my podcast is about how to promote longevity. Because I want you to look and feel like the youngest version of yourself. Now, how can you do that? Well, it all starts with nutrition. And here are some easy things you can eat every day to feel young again. Now one of the things you see on the internet over and over and over again is collagen. And collagen is actually one of the most abundant proteins in our body. And it’s absolutely the best protein for hair, skin and nails. It’s recently become a draft. As you can see, you can’t not turn on YouTube and see something promoting bone broth or collagen. Most people associate collagen with bone broth. But little did you know, you actually don’t need that bone broth to get collagen into your diet. One of the most interesting things fun facts is your body doesn’t break down collagen and absorb it as collagen. It’s broken down into individual amino acids, and then is absorbed through the wall of your gut. And believe it or not, there’s not an assembly manual on the other side of your gut that says Oh, you just ate collagen and please reassemble these various amino acids back into college. If you need to manufacture collagen, you’ll make it out of the individual amino acid. In fact, there’s studies in humans that shows that collagen or bone broth is an actual inefficient way of manufacturing collagen. It’s much better to actually take the individual components that make up collagen. Now you may ask, well, what are those components? Well, it turns out that some of the most important amino acids and making collagen are L lysine, l proline, hydroxy, proline and l glycine. Now it’s actually easy to get a lot of these building blocks you into your diet without ever coming near bone broth or collagen supplements. Certain root vegetables like leeks and beets are loaded with these amino acids. Most a to milk products like for instance Parmesan cheese, or goat and sheep, yogurts and cheese, have a lot of these amino acids. Avocados, surprisingly, are loaded with L lysine and nuts. The like the stashes are loaded with these compounds. And here’s another fun one, hemp seeds are actually rich in most of these compounds. So this is an easy way to get these precursors of collagen into your diet without bone broth or collagen supplements. Now, is there a reason why you don’t want bone broth? Two reasons. Number one, these are made from bones and most people are using beef bones. Beef contains a sugar molecule that I write extensively about called New five G c, new five G c is an abnormal protein, we do not make it we make new five AC and there’s strong association with new five GC and cancer and in causing heart disease. So that’s a no go for me. Now, chicken does not have new five G’s. He has new five AC and fish do not have new five AC. So if you’re going to go the college in route or the bone broth route, please use either fish or chicken, not beef bone broth, that’s a contraindication as far as I’m concerned. Same way with college, you use fish college and marine collagen rather than any other. The trick whether you take collagen products, bras or the individual amino acids, you have to have vitamin C to actually combine all these together into college. And as most of you know most of us are deficient in vitamin C because we don’t manufacture vitamin C. So when I recommend is that you take time to release vitamin C, about 1000 milligrams twice a day. And you’ll notice how much better your hair skin and nails look. On the other hand, maybe we should all just start eating more jello. Now I’m joking about that. But most people actually don’t realize that jello is actually gelatin. And gelatin is made from the cartilages and the tendons and the gristle from animals. And that gelatin is collagen. Most of us growing up in the 50s 60s and 70s lived on jello jello was in everything we had every day. Little did we know that we were eating beef tendons. The second thing we did was we had a lot of consummate jelly consummate a consummate soup, which was bone broth. So there’s a rich tradition, up until the last few years of consuming gelatin and college and every day. Finally, cheap cuts of beef and pork and chicken for that matter have lots of collagen in the gristle in the connective tissues. Those cheap cuts of meat have to be cooked forever to make them edible. And we broke down the college and made it absorbable. So rather than having a fillet, which basically has no collagen, no amino acids for that, go and have a gristly piece of meat and you’ll be actually much better off. Now there’s another great compound for hair, skin and nails, both silica and biotin. Now biotin usually comes in 5000 or 10,000 micrograms. One warning about Biotin Biotin interferes with a number of blood tests that we often get on a routine basis. So if you’re taking hair, skin and nails supplement that you can even get at Costco, make sure you stop taking it for at least a week or two before you have any blood draw that will surprise your doctor and he’ll accuse you of having a bad disease. Now the other thing that we forget about in terms of good health is our skin appearance. And everybody knows that they’re supposed to put sunscreen on their skin To protect the skin. Well, what I propose is you should eat your sunscreen. Now, I don’t mean go out and eat your sunscreen. That would be really dumb. But what I mean is you need to protect your skin from the inside out with the foods you eat. Sunscreen unless it is titanium or zinc base is full of absorbable estrogen hormone disrupting compounds that are extremely bad for you. And unless it’s titanium or zinc based, please stay away from sunscreen. On the other hand, vitamin C once again repairs damaged collagen in your skin. So take your vitamin C. If you don’t want the extended released capsules, take along some vitamin C tablets, chew them when you’re out in the sun. poly phenols poly phenols are designed by plants to protect their mitochondria from damaging UV radiation. So the more poly phenol you get in your diet, the better off you are. Finally, there is a product called Fern block, which as it sounds comes from Fern polypodium. It’s actually been shown in clinical trials to support healthy skin. And it’s actually easy to find as a supplement that you swallow every day. Particularly if you know you’re going to go out and spend a week or so at the beach or expose yourself to a lot of sun. Now, I sound like a broken record, but get prebiotics into your diet. These are friendly foods that feed the probiotics, that gut buddies that are in you. Anything that keeps your digestive wall, the wall of your gut healthy, believe it or not keeps your skin healthy. The inside of your intestines is just your skin turned inside out. And what happens on the inside of your skin in your gut is reflected on the outside in your skin. And people wonder why I have such glowing skin is because the insides of me are glowing. And you can see that reflected. So if you want glowing skin, make sure you got a glowing gut. Finally, you’ve got to have metabolic flexibility. And I talked about this in my last two books. Your cells after the have the ability to switch between burning sugar as a fuel to burning free fatty acids and ketones as a fuel. And sadly, almost none of us have metabolic flexibility. In fact, half of you normal weight people listening right now do not have metabolic flexibility. If you’re overweight, 88% of you do not have metabolic flexibility. If you’re obese 99% of you do not have metabolic flexibility. And metabolic flexibility is at the core of having great looking skin of having great healthy skin cells. Finally, as you know sun spots, a aged bots, liver spots are not due to sun damage. They’re due to advanced glycation end products, ages that are formed from the amount of protein and the amount of sugar or things that turn into sugar you eat that are complex into these most incredibly awful compounds called advanced glycation end products that end up in your skin. So if you want younger looking skin, reduce the amount of protein you’re eating, reduce the amount of sugars you’re eating, and by doing that, you will improve metabolic flexibility. The final thing is the more you shorten your eating window, compress the time you start eating in the morning and finish eating at night and don’t do late night snacking, the healthier your skin will get because you’ll get more metabolic flexibility.

Is it safe to drink coffee every day? I found an article titled 10 reasons why you might want to quit coffee number one, the caffeine and coffee increases catecholamines. Your stress hormones. The stress response elicits cortisol and increases insulin insulin increases inflammation and this makes you feel lousy? Well, that’s funny. It turns out that coffee drinkers around the world have some of the longest health spans have the longest brain health, best brain health. And that’s because of the poly phenol content. Now, catecholamines are actually pretty doggone good for you as a heart surgeon, I know that if I need to get the most out of my heart function in a patient with lousy hearts, I will actually give them intravenous forms of catecholamines. So the idea that catecholamines are bad for you, and particularly for your heart just doesn’t fly in the way of how catecholamines work. By the way, cortisol does not increase weight gain. I follow cortisol levels in all my patients and believe it or not, cortisol levels do not correlate with weight gain. Another myth number two, habituation to caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity, making it difficult for your cells to respond appropriately to blood sugar. High blood sugar levels lead to arterial deterioration and increased risk of mortality related to cardiovascular disease. High blood sugar levels do lead to arterial deterioration, and that’s something I address in my new book. It turns out that blood sugar elevation actually damages the protective lining that guard all of your blood vessels from damage, and it’s the high blood sugar that is the problem, but not so fast. You can blunt the effect of any elevation of blood sugar by adding a sweetener called allulose to your coffee, or do like the Viennese do and add cinnamon to your coffee that will completely block that blood sugar elevation, and you can keep having your coffee. Number three unfiltered coffee has the highest amount of beneficial antioxidants, yet also leaks the most diaper genes into your system. These diterpenes have been linked to higher levels of triglycerides, LDL and VLDL levels. It’s true drinking unfiltered coffee raises your LDL because it actually blocks some of the LDL receptors in your liver. Is that a bad thing? It turns out and has no relationship with heart disease whatsoever. One of the great myths of heart disease is that LDL contributes to the development of heart disease. What’s important is whether that LDL is activated, whether it’s Rusty or rancid or oxidized. And the more poly phenols you have in your system, including from coffee, the less your LDL oxidizes, so we’re missing the boat. We don’t need to focus on LDL, we need to focus on not oxidizing your LDL, and that’s exactly what coffee consumption does. Number four, the helpful chlorogenic acids that may delay glucose absorption in the intestine have also been shown to increase homocysteine levels, an indicator for increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which tends to be elevated in diabetics. Well, I don’t agree with that either. Number one chlorogenic acids are one of the best sources of mitochondrial uncoupling. And the more we uncoupled our mitochondria, the less chance we have of diabetes. Moreover, homocysteine is primarily a problem with changing homocysteine into Muthiah Nene, and that’s dependent on methyl folate and methyl donors like methyl b 12, or with Sammy or tri methyl glycine and not with your coffee consumption. If this was a problem, then a bitul coffee drinkers would have the worst cardiovascular disease and the worst brain health and the exact opposite is true. Number five, the acidity of coffee is associated with digestive discomfort, indigestion, heartburn, Gerd and dysbiosis imbalances of the gut flora. Well sorry, study after study shows that coffee consumption improves dysbiosis because it’s a rich poly phenol substance that is an impressive prebiotic for good gut bacteria. Now, yes, the caffeine and coffee can lower esophageal sphincter pressure. That’s that little tight little thing that keeps all your stomach contents and stomach acid down in your stomach where it belongs. Caffeine in certain people can lower that resistance and make that kind of spring open. That’s why having coffee after dinner in my humble opinion, is one of the dumbest thing As you can do, because that will lower your resting esophageal sphincter pressure and cause reflux. Number six, addiction is an issue with coffee drinkers it makes it really difficult to rely on the body’s natural source of energy. Ask any coffee drinker how it feels to withdraw from coffee and you will mistake their story for that of a drug addicts. You can get habituated to coffee, particularly the caffeine and coffee. That’s why it’s important to watch your coffee consumption. But here’s the good news. Studies show that people who drink five cups of coffee a day have better cardiovascular health, better brain health than people who drink less than than that or people who drink none at all. Choose your poisons, seven associate of addictions trend with coffee, who doesn’t immediately think of warm frothy, sweet cream and sugar when they picture coffee. I don’t. Surely the business of coffee has inspired a culture addicted to the sugary fatty taste of what has become more of a meal than a drink. That morning latte is the epitome of food lacking nutrition density, yet packing energy. The problem is we as a society run from bitter taste. And big food knows that to cover the bitterness. They put in sugar and they put in milk products. The problem with adding sugar is sugar. The problem with adding milk is that any of these milk products whether it be half an AV, whether it be 2%. These milk products bind the poly phenols in coffee, so it negates any possible benefit. Remember the idea of these frappuccinos is a modern big business invention, and it has no place in your life. Number eight, five HIA inorganic acid and component of the neurotransmitter serotonin the happy chemical seen in the urine tends to be elevated in coffee drinkers, which means they may be at risk for lower levels of serotonin synthesis in the brain. Serotonin is necessary for normal sleep bowel function, mood and energy levels. It is a vicious cycle as caffeine can disrupt sleep, and promote anxiety and depression. We all know someone who tends to be tired wired and over caffeinated. That’s partially true. Because primarily coffee drinkers are probably not drinking coffee like it’s supposed to be made. And you can’t make these associations. Remember, Association does not mean causation. For instance, we’ve known for years that skinny people had a higher incidence of cancer. But it was because most skinny people were smokers. And it was actually the smoking that was associated with cancer not being skinny. In addition, we didn’t know the effect of the microbiome on our health outcomes. And we didn’t know that most of our serotonin comes from manufacture by our microbiome. And again, your microbiome needs the poly phenols in coffee to get the products like serotonin to your brain. Number nine, elevated urinary excretion of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, have been noted in coffee drinkers. An imbalance in your electrolyte status can lead to serious systemic complications. How come all the Italians aren’t dead? How come all the Greeks aren’t dead? How come all the Turks aren’t dead? These are people who consume huge amounts of coffee, and I don’t hear them dying in the streets of electrolyte disturbances. Look, we as a country have profound electrolyte disturbances because we’ve been told to have low salt in all of our diet and our soils are depleted in all of these trace minerals. So please get your trace minerals from food. Don’t be afraid of the salt shaker and have your coffee. Last but not least number 10. constituents in coffee can interfere with normal drug metabolism and detoxification in liver making it difficult to regulate the normal detoxification process in the liver. Another issue to be aware of with coffee intake is how certain medications such as levothyroxine which is a thyroid medication, as well as tri cyclic antidepressants are poorly absorbed making symptoms curiously work for patient well first of all, I give plenty of thyroid medication. And no we do not give thyroid medications with any food or any liquid except for water for at least 15 minutes. Same way, antidepressants. It turns out we now know that antidepressants primarily work by altering the gut microbiome favorably. And if you want to alter the gut microbiome favorably, there’s no better way than with the polyphenols in coffee, provided you’re not putting the milk, sugar and cream in it, like most people do.

Speaker 1 35:26
I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Dr. Gundry podcast. If you did, please share this with family and friends. You never know how one of these health tips can completely transform someone’s life when you take the time to share it with them. There’s also the Dr. Gundry podcast YouTube channel where we have 10s of 1000s of free health insights that can help you and your loved ones live a long, vital life. Let’s do this together.

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