Dr. Gundry's private practice: (760) 323-5553

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome to the Dr. Gundry podcast, the weekly podcast where dr. D gives you the tools you need to boost your health and live your healthiest life.

Unknown Speaker 0:13
Today I’m going to share with you exactly how to get your health back on track and it starts with cleaning out your pantry. That’s right, I’m going to tell you the top two most addictive foods you must avoid to take control of your health. They might be in your kitchen right now, but don’t fret. I’ll share some healthy delicious alternatives I think you’ll love plus, I share my favorite hacks when it comes to intermittent fasting so you can get all the benefits without jumping into the deep end. Stay tuned. Many things in life are unreliable, your water bottle shouldn’t be one of them looking for a reusable durable eyecatching non toxic water bottle that fits your needs look no further than hydro jug hydrogen ugh has everything you need. When it comes to your dream water bottle their products hold up to a half a gallon of water so you can hydrate more and refill less. 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This savings makes a big difference in your monthly grocery bills. Trust me looking for a low sugar keto gluten free Zero Waste filter by 90 plus values and lifestyles to find what works for you. I even have my own handpicked grocery list on their website so you can easily shop lectin free just search Dr. Gundry selecting a free shopping list. Get convenient high quality affordable groceries delivered with Thrive Market when you join Thrive Market a day with my link you’ll get $80 in free groceries. That’s t h r i v e market.com/gundry podcast to get $80 in free groceries. Addicted to bread and grains eat this instead. Aside from peanut m&ms, I think bread is one of the most addictive foods on the planet. I get it. It’s comfy. It’s karbi it’s delicious. And it’s a fantastic way to get olive oil into your mouth. But it’s also loaded in lectins. Yep, even if it’s sourdough bread, because while sourdough starters are fermented, more flour is added. And you know what wheat flour is loaded with? lectins Of course. So even though it’s delicious and free on the table, it’s so many restaurants it’s worth steering clear of bread. But what do you do when you just crave bread chips or other grains like rice so hard that it feels like you’re going to give him? Well today I want to talk about a few alternatives to keep you on track, even through the worst cravings. And don’t worry, we’re gonna get way beyond cauliflower rice here. Because I understand when a craving hits, it can be really hard to resist, you need just the right thing to get you through starting with chips and crackers. Because sometimes there’s nothing like a nice plate of cheese and crackers or chips in depth. And the good news is certain cheeses from Southern Europe are still on the menu as are dips like guacamole. Now you could slice he come a really thin and use that instead of chips or crackers and the crunch is actually pretty satisfying. Here’s some big ones or you can make your own. I’ve got some cassava based recipes in my books. But now that grain free lectin free food is becoming more popular. You can also find chips made with cassava flour or coconut flour on most grocery store shelves like these. The same goes for Rancors brands like Julian Bakery, make fantastic cassava bass crackers. They’re great with cheese. There’s also some great options with flaxseed to Google flaggers crackers to learn more about one of the most popular brands out there. Of course, no matter which alternative you decide, if you’re not making your own, make sure to read the ingredient list thoroughly. Yes, even if you’ve already bought that brand before everyone changes their formula from time to time, so it’s actually really important to stay vigilant. That way you and your gut can thoroughly enjoy a plate of cheese and crackers like this. No worries. But let’s say your craving is a little simpler and you want a big bowl of rice, quinoa or oatmeal. Well, when it comes to rice and other grains, you’ve got a few options. If you liked the texture, then you should go for miracle rice, but I understand some people the texture can be a little off putting. That’s where lectin free grains like millet and sorghum come into play. You can cook them fluffy like rice, or a little wetter like oatmeal. You can toss them in herbs for a bright and flavorful salad or bake them with veggies for a knockout stuffing. Or if you’ve worked all the way through phases, one and two of the plant paradox and you’re on to phase three. Go ahead and pressure cook yourself some basmati rice. Bonus points. If you edit cool completely, then reheat it before a service you’ll get more resistant starch. But what do you do if you’re craving breakfast grains like oatmeal, quinoa, granola or cereal? Well, you can even seasonable a millet with cinnamon ginger and unsweetened dried cranberries for an outstanding breakfast cereal. Or you could look for a lectin free breakfast cereal like puff melon or coconut flakes. You can even get creative and make your own granola with a mix of nuts, coconut, maybe a little puff millet. Just make sure to use the right kind of sweetener. I suggest yacon syrup or a bit of monkfruit most commercially made granola is just way too sugary. And no matter what alternative you pick, remember, with resistant starches like these moderation is a good thing. So even certain cereal alternatives should be used sparingly. When you have a craving you can’t resist. Now there’s one alternative carb you can eat to your heart’s content. And it’s a swap for noodles. I’m talking miracle noodles, of course. And that’s where another one people find the chewy texture to be a little funny if they’re not used to it. That said, if you’re a fan of rice noodle dishes like Pad Thai or foo, they’re pretty perfect swap him. But if you’re looking for another one with more Italian pasta texture tri Capello’s noodles, they’re an almond flour noodle I find in the freezer section in Whole Foods, and they’re also available on Amazon. Now give you a heads up, it’s not the most affordable option on the market. But when you’ve got a craving for that spaghetti with meat sauce, or even just pasta with olive oil and garlic, it’s got a perfect texture. So it’s worth stashing a box or two in the freezer just like I do. Just remember if you’re craving your pasta with a tomato based sauce, make that sauce in a pressure cooker to knock out those lectins are You’re asking for trouble. But what do you do if you’re looking for a slice of bread to sop up that extra sauce? Well, that brings me to my last set of carbs swap everyone’s favorite bread. And I’ll be honest, this one’s the trickiest because even gluten free breads are made with lectin rich ingredients like corn flour or brown rice flour. Again, Julian Bakery has some great bread alternatives. So if you see the brand on the shelves, check them out. Just make sure to read the labels first just in case. You can also make something called Cloud bread, either with avocado or organic cream cheese. It’s easy to make only takes three or four ingredients. It’s in my new book and it’s great for sopping up sauce or dipping soup. Another great option is making savory quick breads with almond flour, cassava flour, coconut flour, there are tons of simple recipes online. So the next time a carb craving comes up and you can’t beat it to worry, just look for an alternative instead. I promise they’re out there. And by giving in to your craving the healthy way you can rest assured you’ll be taken care of your gut buddies and your sanity.

Unknown Speaker 9:59
Okay, Most people do not realize how much sugar they’re actually eating. Because unfortunately, there is sneaky sugar in the majority of foods. But the truth is doing all you can to avoid sugar is absolutely essential for your overall well being. So here’s why. First of all, sugar is absolutely a disaster for your immune system. fascinating study that I’ve alluded to before took participants human beings. And they gave them various forms of sugar, they gave them tables, sugar, they gave them sugar in the form of what would not seem to be sugar, but highly refined flour products like white bread like bagels. But most remarkably, they gave them a glass of orange juice. Now, you wouldn’t think that a glass of orange juice is high in sugar. But in fact, a glass of orange juice has as much sugar as a candy bar or a can of soda. So what happened when these individuals ate these various forms of sugar? Well, they took blood from them every hour, for six hours. And lo and behold, the white blood cells ability to eat bacteria to eat viruses was 70%. Impaired, even up to six hours after a glass of orange juice that healthy way to start your morning. So sugar in and of itself, absolutely wax, your immune systems ability to protect you from bacteria and viruses. And believe me, most of us know that we would like our immune system to protect us from bacteria and viruses. The second thing is we know that there are various good bacteria in our gut and bad bacteria in our gut. And sadly, bad bacteria absolutely thrive on simple sugars. Whereas good bacteria can not use simple sugars to grow like bad bacteria. In fact, you can watch what happens when you eat sugar and bad bacteria get a hold of it. Right here on the YouTube channel. I’ve got a great video that demonstrates exactly what happens. So you need to imagine what happens every time you eat sugar. One of the things that happens is your bad bacteria proliferate your bad bacteria in turn, believe it or not send text messages to your brain, thanking you for getting that sugar and telling you to go get some more, because that’s exactly what you want. In fact, sugar is so addictive that this has been proven in rats and mice, rats and mice will press a lever to get sugar as opposed to cocaine and heroin. It is that addictive. It’s addictive. Because your bad bacteria actually take over your brain hijack your brain to get more of the stuff that they’re craving. It really is doo doo doo doo Oh, I animate bad bacteria or telling me what to eat? Well, yes, they are. And in fact, that’s why sugar is so difficult to give up. Because your bad bacteria can’t imagine being without it. So one of the fun things to do is try giving up sugar, just in the plain old everyday form for two weeks for a month and watch what happens. Watch what happens to your cravings. Watch what happens to your attitude. Watch what happens to anxiety and depression. We’re now realizing that these bad bacteria are one of the major drivers for anxiety and depression in our lives. Also, sugar is really bad for your skin and all of us want glowing healthy skin. None of us want wrinkles. Your gut and your skin are connected. And in fact, the lining of your gut is your skin turned inside out. And the surface area of your gut is the same as the surface area as a tennis court. So imagine all that skin surface inside of you that you don’t see. So what happens that the level of your gut is number one reflected on your skin. Number two, we know that sugar produces what are called advanced glycation end products, better known as ages, ages actually make your skin thick ages make your skin discolored ages are the cause of dark spots, age spots, liver spots. And that’s directly related to the amount of sugar. I have so many patients that sugar was the cause of their acne, because they didn’t realize it was the sugar that was changing the bacteria in their gut, that was actually damaging the wall of their gut. And that was being displayed on their skin. All right, so ditch the sugar for better skin. Now, the other problem with sugar is that sugar is everywhere, and actually far more available sources than what you see as sugar on the label. In fact, you should know that sugar is one of the leading causes of obesity in the United States. And in case you haven’t been paying attention, we now know that the sugar industry for years and years paid nutritionists, particularly at Harvard Medical School to tell the American public that sugar had nothing to do with the obesity rate, that sugar had nothing to do with heart disease. And that in fact, fat in our diet was the culprit. And it was only through Freedom of Information Act that these secret bribes to nutritionists at multiple medical schools to tell people to fabricate data, that sugar was not the culprit that it was known to be. So every time you know, you hear all sugar isn’t all that bad. Don’t believe it? Number one. American Americans eat on average about 150 pounds of sugar a year. And you’re going oh, wait a minute. That’s Are you kidding, that’s three pounds of sugar a week, I don’t do that. That’s a half a pound of sugar a day. The problem is sugar is profoundly well hidden in all of our diets. And it’s called different things. So first of all, if you’re going to look at a package label, most people go down and look at Sugar. Or look at added sugar. That’s not where to look, the labeling laws have been changed to hide the sugar content, because the labeling laws come through the FDA. But they’re backed by the Department of Agriculture. And I got news for you. The Department of Agriculture’s job is to sell agricultural products. And some of the biggest agricultural products, of course, are grains, wheat and corn primarily. You can take something like whole grain or whole wheat or whole corn. And it actually has a fairly low what’s called glycemic index. Glycemic Index is basically when you eat something, how fast does sugar rise in your bloodstream.

Unknown Speaker 19:00
But if you take these whole grains, and Pulverize them, to individual tiny starch molecules, these starch molecules are instantly turned into sugar faster than actually you can digest table sugar. Now, table sugar is actually two sugars bonded together glucose and fructose future. And that combination is called sucrose. So it’s actually two molecules of sugar. And you actually have to break those two molecules before it enters your bloodstream. Starch on the other hand is pure glucose. So as strange as it may seem, you have a higher glycemic index, eating a piece of whole wheat bread or eating a bagel than E Eating sugar. And so every time you say, oh, there’s no sugar in here, think again. So how do you find the hidden sugar? Look at total carbohydrates. Look at the amount of grams per serving. Also, look at the serving size companies are smart, they reduce the serving size to hide the amount of sugar that they know you’re going to eat. It’s kind of like bench candy one. So take total carbohydrates per serving. Then right below that there’ll be fiber. Fiber is indeed adjustable. So you take the grams of fiber from the total carbohydrates that will give you the grams of sugar per serving. Now, what is a gram of sugar? Me? Well, that’s pretty easy. There’s four grams per every teaspoon of sugar. So four grams of carbohydrates equal one teaspoon of sugar, and you start doing the math and you will be shocked. Even in healthy products, how much sugar is present in that meal you’re having. And I’ve mentioned this before, recently, I had a patient who is a diabetic, who told me he swore on a stack of Bibles that he doesn’t eat sugar. He doesn’t add sugar. He doesn’t have any candy bars. And he’s a bad diabetic. And I said, Well, wait a minute, you know, what do you have for breakfast? Well, I have no sugar added cereal. And he said, I have skim milk. Well, I said, let’s get out that package of cereal and we pulled it up on the internet. And when we did the math in each half cup of cereal, and I guarantee you he was not having a half a cup. There were actually 11 teaspoons of sugar. And then when he put a cup of low fat milk on his cereal, he added another four teaspoons of sugar. So this guy was actually having the equivalent of two sodas for breakfast. And that instantly hit his bloodstream as pure sugar. And he thought he was doing everything right, because even on the label, the cereal was labeled heart healthy. Lastly, on that comment, as a former past president of the Southern California Chapter, The American Heart Association, I can assure you that that heart healthy label is bought. It’s sold. It’s not award. We sell that label to the highest bidder. So Buyer beware. If you see the words, no sugar added. That means there’s so much sugar in this product already. We didn’t have to add any more. It’s just all code words to look for where sugars hiding. Lastly, I don’t care if it’s natural sugar. I don’t care if it’s maple syrup. I don’t care if it’s honey, I don’t care if it’s organic cane sugar. I don’t care if it’s coconut sugar. Sugar is sugar is sugar. It all ends up in the same place, destroying your health destroying your immune system. Do you trust your tap water? Well if you turned into last week’s episode 245 with Helen Chris Stoney, you shouldn’t even if it tastes okay. According to extensive research by the Environmental Working Group, virtually every home in America has harmful contaminants in its tap water. That’s why you’ve got to check out Aqua true Aqua true purifiers use a four stage reverse osmosis purification process and their countertop purifiers work with no installation or plumbing removes 15 times more contaminants than ordinary pitcher filters is the same technology used by all the major bottled water brands but now it’s available for your home and without the plastic waste. 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Unknown Speaker 28:50
You have nothing to lose. What happens to your body? When you start intermittent fasting for a week? Well, the answer is going to come as a surprise. So here’s the thing. The vast majority of people in this country have such high insulin levels have such insulin resistant levels are so metabolically inflexible, that they absolutely do not do well with intermittent fasting. Shocking but true. You’ve seen in my last book and heard me talk that 50% of normal weight individuals in the United States are metabolically inflexible. Now just to review very quickly. Normally, our mitochondria should be able to take sugar glucose and turn it into ATP, our energy currency they should also when the need arise instantly easily switch from burning sugar as a fuel to burning free fatty acids and ketones as a fuel that come from our fat cells and from our liver. And that switch should happen instantaneously, very much like a hybrid car can switch from gasoline powering the engine, to the battery powering the motors. And that switch can happen instantaneously. But 50% of normal weight individuals can’t make that switch. That means when they stop eating, they can’t switch over to immediately drawing on battery power or releasing fat from their fat cells. And I’ll talk about why that is in a second. If you look at overweight people, and the vast majority of Americans are overweight. 88% of overweight people can’t switch between burning sugar and burning fat and 99.5% of obese individuals. That’s a ton of us in the United States cannot make that switch. Okay, so why is that so important? Well, when you have high insulin levels, insulin is a fat storage hormone. And insulins job is to take any extra food you eat, and store it for harder times. That makes sense. But insulin is going up and up and up in our bloodstream. As we eat more and more processed foods, we exercise less. So the vast majority of Americans have elevated insulin levels. So not only is insulin a fat storage hormone, but when insulin is elevated, it prevents fat from leaving the fat cell, it’s literally blocking the exit. And until insulin levels fall, all that fat that’s in all of our fat cells is literally locked in there. And you could stop eating, but you will not release the fat until your insulin levels begin to fall. And here’s the bad news. It may take two to three to four weeks of dramatically reducing your food intake or your carbohydrate intake for insulin levels to fall enough to start releasing fat from fat cells. Number two ketones are made in the liver from free fatty acids that are released from fat cells. Ketones are designed to aid your brain and your muscles in times of starvation, by keeping the brain and muscles functioning. But if you can’t release fat from fat cells, then there’s no free fatty acids going to the liver to make ketones. So what happens, you don’t have any sugar in your blood, you don’t have any free fatty acids in your blood, you don’t have any ketones going to your brain and what happens you crash, you get headachy you get weak, you get hangry you just do not feel well. And that’s your body saying, Hey, I can’t make this switch. So when people start trying to cut out a meal, that because they heard Oh, you know, I need to have my first meal of the day at noon. And you’re used to eating a breakfast at seven o’clock in the morning. That’s five hours of going without fuel coupled with what you went through in the night where you don’t have any chance to keep your brain happy, much less your body happy. And that’s why this is so difficult to do. I can’t tell you the number of people and I’ve written about this who fail a ketogenic diet or an intermittent fasting diet because they just have too high and insulin level to access what they really need to do. And 60% of people who try a ketogenic diet, a low carb, high fat diet quit after a month and it’s obvious why they quit because they quite frankly feel miserable. Now, this will happen if you are insulin resistant. I Guaran damn tee it. I like to use the example, I could have King James LeBron, teach me how to dunk a basketball. And as much as he would show me over and over and over again, I am height impaired compared to King James. And as much as I would like to replicate exactly what he was doing, I can’t do that. So when you see influencers, particularly young influencers, who tell you how easy it is to do an intermittent fasting program, these are people who start with metabolic flexibility. And they’re right, it’s really easy once you have metabolic flexibility. This is easy. But most people are starting from a place where they with all the instruction in the world with all the here’s what you should do, can’t get off the dime because they can’t break through metabolic flexibility. All right, so how do we do it? Now, as I’ve talked about in my last two books, there’s actually a fairly easy way to get metabolic flexibility. And rather, you know, jumping in the deep end of the pool and trying to push out your fasting period, what I asked you to do is one hour a week, extend when you’re going to have breakfast. So if you have breakfast at seven o’clock in the morning, this week, we’re going to have a o’clock in the morning. And then take the weekend off, relax. The following week, we’re going to extend another hour, we’re going to go to nine o’clock in the morning. And so on each week, rather than going oh, you’re not going to eat until noon. And you’ll fall on your face. Any of us can make it for one hour. And even that one hour change, going slowly, week after week will start to lower our insulin resistant. And I see this all the time. Now, there’s places where people kind of run into a brick wall. Let’s suppose you made it to nine o’clock, and you’re pretty good at that. But then pushing to 10 o’clock,

Unknown Speaker 37:34
then you go oh, you know I’m hungry, or I’m feeling weak. That’s actually telling you that this is you still have insulin resistance. And this is where you’re running into trouble. And as I talked about in the books, we got lots of tricks. One, get yourself a handful of nuts, it won’t break your fast, have a teaspoon or a tablespoon of MCT oil, have a bar that contains MCT oil. These are really easy tricks and just hold it at nine o’clock for another week. And then try for 930 lots of different ways. The other thing that I think it is important that I’ve talked about before is when you break your fast the first meal of the day, make it what’s called a mono meal, make it either mostly carbohydrates, or mostly protein or mostly fat. That actually makes it much easier for your mitochondria to power up and make energy. Now how do you know when you’re metabolically flexible? Well, quite frankly, the longer you can go without these feelings, the more you’re becoming metabolically flexible. So long story short for most of us, please please, please do not jump off the deep end and try time restricted eating those six to eight hours a day. It’s going to not work. Instead, try time restricted eating on a variable schedule of just extending your eating period, one hour a week and watch what happens. The point of this is doing intermittent fasting for one week, you’re gonna see some most likely bad effects. But if you slowly but surely week after week, extend your intermittent fasting period. You’re gonna feel the benefits. You’re gonna see it on the scale, and that’s what I’m looking out for you to do.

Unknown Speaker 39:43
Hey, this is Adam Carolla. Let me tell you about my podcast. We do it every single day so you can subscribe and they’ll always be a fresh one waiting for you. It’s about two hours of topics, topical topics and news and guests and comedians. And of course my own vitriolic take on just about everything that’s going on in the world. Plus we get a lot of really interesting notable people who come in we’ll get politicians will get the tastemakers will get stand ups will get the authors will get pundants we’ll get when I say Why think about covers it all celebrities as well. And we’ll do some really interesting interviews with them. You can get the Adam Carolla show wherever you download your podcast

Unknown Speaker 40:37
now it’s time for this week’s audience question. This week’s question comes from Mr. Mani on YouTube regarding my recent video on the five healthiest vegetables that may also help with weight loss. Dr. Gundry great video as always, but I have a concern about cruciferous vegetables and thyroid suppression that you brought up at the end of this video. How can you tell if your thyroid is being suppressed? How is this caused by eating raw or cooked cruciferous vegetables? How much is too much if I’ll be eating cruciferous vegetables on a daily basis? Well, it turns out there is very variable I see people suppress their thyroid function by measuring TSH thyroid stimulating hormone by eating a lots of cruciferous vegetables often several times per day or having broccoli and cauliflower daily or having a regular daily if not more, this doesn’t happen to everybody. The easiest way if you’re eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables is just have a T S H measured by your healthcare provider. And it’ll give you a pretty good idea. Now the good news is that even though TSA can go up free T three and free T four are rarely suppressed. So you’re still getting plenty of thyroid hormone. It’s just that your thyroid is working harder to do it. So don’t be afraid of cruciferous vegetables. But if you’re really really doing it for a very long time, a lot every day, just get your TSH checked. This week’s review comes from dino on YouTube. Thank you, Dr. Gundry. You are always looking out for our health and have the very best information I always take to heart. You have made me the best version of myself yet. Looking forward to hearing from you next time. Have a great day. Well, thanks Dino. That’s why I do this. And this is why I continue to see patients six days a week so that I know based on my recommendations to my patients and then looking at how they feel but equally as important their bloodwork, how to advise you we call it the practice of medicine for a really good reason we practice and practice makes perfect. Thanks very much Dino. Thanks for joining me on this episode of The Dr. Gundry podcast. Before you go. I just wanted to remind you that you can find the show on iTunes, Google Play stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts. And if you want to watch each episode of The Dr. Gundry podcast, you can always find me on youtube@youtube.com slash Dr. Gundry because I’m Dr. Gundry and I’m always looking out for you

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