Dr. Gundry's private practice: (760) 323-5553

Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the doctor gundry podcast where doctor Steven gundry shares his groundbreaking research from over Twenty five years of treating patients with diet and lifestyle changes alone doctor gundry and other wellness experts offer inspiring stories the latest scientific advancements and practical tips to empower you to take control of your health and live a long happy life feeling

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Tired all the time even when you first wake up in the morning feel too week to concentrate for long first of all youre not alone in the struggle percent of adults suffer chronic fatigue and chronic means experiencing symptoms of fatigue like lethargy exhaustion and brain fog for over six months es just part of getting older what can be done about it I’ll give you a hi en most cases it has nothing to do with getting more sleep today’s episode reveals a simple plan to reclaim your energy trust me it Works using these principles i have more pep in my step than i did in my forties ready to feel like you are in your twenties again stay right where you are I’ll be right back after a brief message from our podcast sponsor eating healthy can be hard especially when you can’t find the right foods deep that’s why i always recommend my listeners to sign up for thrive market thrive market serves as my go-to destination for a wide array of high quality groceries Essentials Daily supplements and much more here you’ll discover everything you typically find at your regular grocery store plus an extensive selection of other healthy Brands that i frequently recommend and personally love get convenient high quality affordable groceries delivered with thrive market when you join thrive market today with mylink you’ll get eighty in free groceries that’s t h.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
R. IV market com slash gundry podcast to get eighty in free groceries

Speaker 3 (02:09):
So what are mitochondria mitochondria are known as the energy producing organelles that live in almost all the cells in your body with a couple of exceptions there will be a chest at the end of all this no there won if you wanna ace the test red blood cells don’t have any mitochondria so mitochondria are fascinating many many years ago we think about two billion years ago Ancient bacteria were eaten o engulfed by other cells and rather than if you will being eaten alive that bacteria thought it was a pretty nice place inside this other cell in Exchange for nutrients from that other cell the bacteria made energy for that cell in the form of ATP a deine triphosphate and that’s the energy currency that you spend every day to power everything that goes on in you so without ATP i got news for ya you are dead and without mitochondria functioning right you are either dead or all of the things that we think is just a process of getting old like our energy level slowing down our thinking slowing down can all be traced back to your mitochondria and how well they function the second important point is that your mitochondria because they actually are Ancient bacteria are viewed by your Immune system es Ancient bacteria if the cell dies o mitochondria actually spit out of the cell or not doing work properly your Immune system can think youre literally infect by bacteria even mitochondria so its really important to realize their Ancient origins what’s really interesting about mitochondria es that they have their own DNA and they can divide separate then when the cell divides we all remember cell division where all the chromosomes separated and then came back together and you made two cells from one well the mitochondria can do that inside the cell so for instance let’s suppose there’s a hundred mitochondria in a cell believe it or not there can be thousands in muscle cells there can be thousands in your heart muscle cells there can be thousands in a neuron you can actually make several hundred more several thousand more using the tricks that we’re gonna talk about in this master class and that’s one of the real keys to getting you more energy because quite frankly the more mitochondria you make the more energy you make and believe it or not the better functioning your mitochondria will be so that’s why bottom line taking care of your mitochondria es job number one and there’s lots of ways of taking care of mitochondria first wanna start about why we have not been taking care of mitochondria mitochondria essentially are a system with in and outer membranes in between this inner and outer membrane exists called the electron transport chain there’s an old joke in Science that the only Purpose of life is to move an electron from one level of Charge to another and interestingly enough that actually probably is correct in this electron transport chain and remember in the book we talk about electrons and protons and hopefully everybody remembers high school biology where protons are positively charged particles and electrons are negatively charged particles and batteries positive event negative event and electricity energy moves from one Charge to the next Charge and in the process of the electron transport chain electrons are moved along the mitochondria en kinda like a game of hot potato where it’s tossed from one carrier to another and in the process protons which are contributed believe it or not by the food you eat are also bouncing around inside this chamber and the protons are desperately trying to get out and the way this chamber is designed is there’s essentially only one place for the proton to get out and that’s the final end of this chamber and the protons which are bouncing around they’re trying to get out they’re pushing on the walls get me outta here they see an exit and when they go through this exit it’s actually a turn style it’s a revolving door and as they go through this exit en almost down a winding staircase just like water Powers a water wheel in a mill you generate ATP from those protons escaping this chamber and that’s actually what michon does heres the problem mitochondria can get the substrates for doing all this from essentially three macro nutrients they can get it from carbohydrates which are sugars they can get it from proteins and they can get it from fats now each of these has a slightly different way that it enters the electron transport chain and it.

Speaker 3 (08:21):
Has a slightly different method of producing energy what’s fascinating if you think about it we’re actually a beautiful design to deliver these energy making components to mitochondria at different times rather than crowding in all at 11 so most of the time when we eat a whole food mío en general carbohydrates whats just call them sugars are absorbed first and they’re taken into your mitochondria es primarily gluco Andre converted into ATP. Ok, so far so good proteins take a much longer time to digest and to be broken down into individual amino acids which are then absorbed and can either be used for building cell walls building muscle repairing tissues o if you’ve got an excess they too can enter into energy production into your mitochondria so they would come in general after the sugar has been down the electron transport chain then there’s fat most fat is actually not absorbed directly into your bloodstream unlike proteins and unlike sugars fats hop on a big fluffy moving ban called kalo microns and this fluffy moving ban doesn’t enter the bloodstream but instead enters the lymphatic system and most of us have heard about the lymph system the lymph system picks up fat from your gut in fact if you were to eat a fatty meal and i was in your chest i could actually watch this fatty meal coming up from your gut in some very big ly channels some of which can be as big as my little finger enter your vina caa your superiora ca or your a nominate Vein and dump into your bloodstream and that actually takes a while so fat in general arrives much later for processing to make energy or if all of your energy meat needs been met by sugar and Protein then that is directly taken to your fat cells en deposit es va so en general the way you were designed is the mitochondria should really only have to worry about one energy substrated at a time what’s happened in our Modern diet through the use of ultra processed foods processed foods turning something that was whole let’s use let’s use an example like casaba so casaba if you sat around and aid it as a cooked route i can guarantee you that that simple star would take remarkable long time to be digested and arrive sugar mitochondria if you take something as wonderful say es que make it into a fine Powder you will digest that starch instantaneously and it will arrive quicker than than you could possibly imagine to your mitochondria the same thing has happened with grains back when people actually ate grains hole it took a significant amount of time to break down all the walls in that grain to get to the star now when we grind even we into a white Powder that Powder becomes sugar in your bloodstream faster than you if you actually a table sugar which takes actually longer to digest than white flower anything we make more quickly digestible is heading right for your mitochondria so imagine what happens when you take proteins and break them all apart and make Protein isolates amino acid peptides sugars that are now powdered form and you emulsify fat so they picked up simultaneously you have all three components arriving at your simultaneously living in the la area that is Rush hour on the freeways and as you know during Rush hour things traffic flow comes to a stop or barely and people get Angry theres road rage well the same thing happens your mitochondria en your mitochondria literally sp to stop o the mitochondria this is ridiculous i cant handle all this traffic I’ve gotta put some stops into place to stop myself from being armed so think of those as on ramps to the freeway with stoplights and we only let a certain number of cars onto the freeway at a certain time your mitochondria are so elegant that they’ve designed systems to prevent you from overpowering them now sadly those systems are a series of fat molecules that are called ceremonys many of you may have heard of cides because there are a number of Cosmetic products with cides they’re used to plump the skin and cides actually thien cell walls so one of the mitochondrial defenses is to make cides on cells particularly fat cells to number one try to keep sugar and Protein from even coming in number two the fat cells keep getting fatter and fatter and believe it or not fat cells can burst and if they burst that actually produces inflammation so the fat cell to try to hold things in is actually producing cides to toughen things up there’s a beautiful paper that i refer to in the energy paradox called death by cides and sadly if you look at people with high levels of cides correlates extremely well with dementia with Alzheimer’s with heart disease with diabetes where do CMIS come from well again their manufactured from certain fats in the main fat make CMIS is called pome pome acid the word palm and pom oil is a source of pome acid but you manufacture most of your pom from get ready for this fructos fruit sugar palmate is manufactured in your liver from fructos and its got a Fancy name called de novo lipo genesis and it turns out that your liver if it’s inundated with frta will turn it into no i am not making this up fructos in your liver makes fat it makes palmate its taken into cells particularly fat cells where it’s made into these waxy compounds called CMIS and the more CMIS you have the wor your mito ordinary to work your brain is gonna work the your heart is gonna work and there’s no reason that that paper isn’t called death by se so that’s one of the Reasons I’ve told you to increase your energy levels number one give fruit the boot and secondly we’ve got to stop constantly inundating our mitochondria with all three energy substrates simultaneously think about you think of Rush hour i want you to think of a traffic jam and think that every time you eat things easier to digest or pre digested you are slamming your poor energy making factories the mitochondria with more than they can handle and they’ll protect themselves from you by making cides that will do you in inadvertently

Speaker 2 (17:45):
When was the last time you visited grocery store stock exclusively with products that adhere strictly to your dietary requirements you’ve never experienced such a scenario because it seems impossible but with thrive market this becomes a reality thrive market offers a Unique shopping experience where you can find all your grocery needs while conveniently filtering products according to your specific diet and if you’re following electron free protocol like mine you can now access a curated selection of dr. Gundry approved items tailored to your diet the convenience doesn’t stop there with thrive market you can order from the comfort of your own home bypassing the hassle of grocery lines and crowded parking lots since joining thrive market my grocery shopping experience has never been easier get convenient high quality affordable groceries delivered with thrive market when you join thrive market today with my link you’ll get eighty in free groceries that’s t h imark com slash eighty en free groceries we talked

Speaker 3 (19:01):
About your mitochondria your important energy making factories and how the way we’ve been eating is basically giving them Rush hour almost Twenty four hours a day and no. Wonder energy is slow to a craw so with that in mind we’ve gotta take the work off of our mitochondria mitochondria can handle sugars as a fuel source mitochondria can proteins fuel source mitochondria can handle fats as a fuel source but they shouldn’t arrive simultaneously waiting to get process we can use one fuel at a time and in the book it’s called a monodia a monodia is you’re gonna rely on either mostly carbohydrates o mostly Protein o mostly fat as your first meal of the day we’re gonna do that because your mitochondria in this program are gonna get a nice long rest period. Wow sleeping and as will talk about in just a second the longer we can give them to rest in Recover from the onslaught that you’ve been giving to them the more efficient they’ll get a producing energy actually want to work for you so one of the tricks that’s Unique to this program is the first meal of the day your break fast is going to be a mano meal it’s going to be either a very high Protein meal kind of liken Atkins diet or conversely a quite a high carbohydrate meal if you wanna have a bowl a puff with almond milk knock your Sacks off you can have it as your first meal i know people going what i can do that en fact if you wanna do that on Monday and then have say raised Canadian vacan on Tuesday have an avocado on Wednesday go back to yourt on Thursday have a wonderful time the beauty of this program is your first meal today is not locked in but i ask you to either make it carbohydrate based meal a Protein based meal o a fat ent at this why you and i only want one set of fuel arriving at your mitochondria particularly after a long we wanna wake them up you know rather than heavy metal like i talk about in the book so that’s a Unique trick it actually explains why diet in general actually so or there a Duke rice diet where you gas all you eat is rice the Duke rice diet is actually really good Weight loss really good controlling diabetes why as you learned in the book is because its taking a load off your mitochondria same way with an Atkins diet an Atkins diet the new Atkins diet was a high Protein diet but the old Atkins diet was an ultra high fat diet we keto diet both were very effective including Robert samuelson’s diet the drinking man’s diet which was the precursor for adkins it was giving your mitochondria one fuel source and one fuel source of wow and as long as you did that you took the work off I’ll give you a wonderful example as you know spent a lot of time driving in italy and France visiting small villages and on sundays on the auto str en italy trucks are baned from any of the interstate highways and what happens on sundays is the removal we call trucks fat just for we call buses Protein and will call cars carbohydrates eliminating the fat from the highways on sunday the interstates move unbelievably if you were on those interstates any other day and we reintroduce the trucks things crawl so italy they did that because people were enjoying the weekends so trucks band in italy on the Highway what we wanna do es the first thing that hits your mitochondria is just one transportation vehicle either a car a bus but eliminating all the cars trucks and bus simultaneously and it really makes a difference.

Speaker 3 (24:41):
Ok, so what’s the next thing we can do well the next thing we can do es mitochondria are overwork what we wanna do is limit the amount of Rush hour that mitochondria have to deal with and one of the most exciting developments that i actually wrote about in two thousand six in my first book. Dr. Gundry’s diet evolution is timed controlled eating sometimes known as intermittent fasting sometimes known as time restricted Feeding Feeding came from my Studies whatever we wanna call it limiting the hours of the day that you actually ingest food and thereby make your mitochondria work to produce we compr that eating window.

Speaker 3 (25:45):
There is ya heres the de average american usually is eating something sixteen hours every day and hopefully they’re in bed for the other eight hours of that time period so that sixteen hours is a long time to be bombarding your mitochondria with work. Imagine what would happen if. Fui twelve to work and they had twelve hours off well this work was done by dr. Such pound en San Diego. Uf. Beings to reduce their eating window by twelve a day and believe me that’s not much thats starting at eight o’clock in the morning and finishing at eight o’clock at night that he dramatically improved their Studies particular, dr. Madson from the national institutes of Aging if we could reduce that eating window. Even further to six hours a day the health benefits the energy benefits the mental protection benefits the heart benefits the lack of diabetes everything Falls into place so the more we can better off your mitochondria are going to function and one of the things we realizing why that is making energy for you is extremely hard work it’s literally being on a factory line under sweatshop conditions and damage is done to your mitochondria every day in the process of making energy and many of you have heard of what are called reactive oxygen species or Ross so these are if you will the byproducts of making of you are old enough to remember before synthetic motor oils you used to have to get your motor oil changed.

Speaker 3 (28:06):
Oh every six months every year every five thousand miles because sludge would build up in your motor oil from the of combustion and that sludge would damage the vals damaged the rings and if you didn’t throw out that sludge and put in new stuff your engine wasn’t gonna ask very long it the same way with mitochondria that sludge from the process of making energy a producing ATP literally builds up and damages your mitochondria so the mitochondria has a wonderful Repair system. Has wonderful set of into in a tea melatonin which most of us the hormone that sleep is actually the major michon antio personal feeling is the reason melatonin is to make you go to sleep es gas what you can’t eat when you’re asleep unless so melatonin to put you to sleep and the melatonin that’s produced during the night is actually helping Repair your mitochondria and because you’re not eating your mitochondria are on the night shift and they power down you don’t need as much energy so they don’t have to injure themselves as más more importantly they can spend that time to undergo Repair work me a lot of time in the freeways in the early morning hours going back and forth between santa Barbara and palm Springs and when does Repair work on freeways happen most of the time it’s in the middle of the night when there’s very little traffic exactly the same thing happens in your mitochondria the Repair work happens when there’s very little traffic so imagine what can happen if you have twelve hours to get Repair work done imagine what can happen if you have fourteen hours to get Repair we have eighteen to get Repair we can get you more opportunity your mitochondria have repairing themselves en keeping you en tip top condition when they do have to do the work and that’s the importance of time controlled eating or what we call c square croo consumption now the good news is tomorrow you don’t have to drop to a six hour eating window I’m not gonna say what tomorrow morning on Monday morning you’re not gonna eat until no es quite frankly most of you will never make it to there so we’re gonna step you down every week every day slowly so for instance on week one will have you eat break fast seven o’clock in the morning on Tuesday you’ll eat it at eight o’clock in the morning just one hour difference on Wednesday we’ll go to nine o’clock on Thursday we’ll go to ten o’clock and on Friday we’ll start eating at eleven no the good news es weekends are off you get to do whatever you want what kinda crazy program es that turns out looking at human Studies we can achieve everything we wanna achieve with time restricted eating time control eating if we give you the weekends off because the last Twenty one years i been doing time controlled eating during the week and taking the weekends off and i allow that to my patients theres to do there’s Studies that show you’ll be more likely to stay with this program if i give you the weekends off then next week we’re gonna step up one hour so instead of eating breakfast at seven next week we’re gonna start at eight and so on each week we’re gonna advance an hour by the end of six weeks you’ll think nothing of breaking your fast having break fast just wait what happens energy levels the sumar we wanna take Rush hour away from mitochondria we wanna one es the first meal the day give them either carbohydrates or Protein o fat as the first meal so only fuel to work with at a time then the more we can compres your eating window the for mitochondria two and number three de longer the period you go without forcing your mitochondria at work the more time they Repair themselves en get a down for themselves and just like any worker give worker a little downtime they come back refreshed ready to go to the job not thrown in your way anymore so that mans time con controlled eating two keys to this program.

Speaker 3 (33:39):
Ok, so everybody live under a rock no all about probiotics those are the friendly bacteria that you’ve heard about in your yogurt in your cambucha in your supplement so those are good bacteria and more and more we’re learning and people are understanding about prebiotics and we’re gonna talk about prebiotics because prebiotics are the food that good bacteria want to eat and the wonderful part about prebiotics es even though they are foods that you eat you personally can’t digest them and even if you could digest them you couldn’t use them but your bacteria think that these foods are the best thing that ever happened to them and the Science is now expanded to realize that okay, it’s one thing to feed your good bacteria have them grow have them reproduce have them eat some of the calories that you eat and prevent those calories from being passed on to you and so you could actually eat more foods prebiotics y may a calories.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
Yo never dos calories bacteria your pros for you one happens one bacteria eat these prebio fibers is the amazing what seems like pseudoscience a few years ago they make compounds called postbiotics that are either primarily what short chain fatty ads and or gases o what now called gaso messengers o gaso transmitters what’s been learned over the is its these postbiotics that are sophisticated what’s called trans Kingdom communication system from your gut microbiome and that includes bacteria that includes fungi that includes viruses that includes molds that actually make messages literal text messages that tell yourselves information and actually tell your mitochondria what to do it’s as i talk about in the book probably one of the most exciting feats the discovery of this language decipher of this code many people compare it to the deciphering of the German code in world wari called the enigma code and you may remember the movie about that the deciphering of this code of how the microbiome talks to and even controls this organism us is earth shattering and what it means basically means that what you give your microbiome and the types of bugs that live in your guts most likely controls your mood your attitude your possibility of developing Memory loss or dementia your heart your heart disease whether you have cholesterol that bothers you or not whether your artery flexible or whether they stiff is led pipes all of this has to do with the discovery of postbiotics en so important that a Nobel prize was awarded in nineteen ninety eight for discovery of how one of these postbiotics nitric oxide actually Works as a language as a communication between the gut microbiome and everything that happens to you so these are what are now called signaling molecules and signaling molecules literally tell DNA in you what compounds to make whether to turn on to turn off and more importantly it actually tells mitochondria whether to work hard whether to throttle back the amount of energy they produce o whether to Repair themselves to protect themselves o whether they’re not getting the messages so this is so exciting a bunch of seemingly unimportant crap that exist inside your gut es such an efecto on almost all things that are gonna to y remember Park five hundred years ago sadd all disease begins in the gut.

Speaker 3 (39:01):
He didnt know about he didn’t know about trans Kingdom communication already that alln int. He absolutely right so the exciting thing is you have control over the messages that are sent to you by your gut microbio by giving them the things that they need to eat so that brings us into a discussion about Fiber Fiber everybody thinks they know about Fiber there’s insoluble Fiber there’s soluble Fiber pero it goes a little bit deeper than that do those two terms mean soluble Fiber means that it mixes with water so if i puts use an example in which is a solu Fiber that comes from roots if you put in in a glass of water and stir around presto change it dissolves you can’t even see it let’s talk about inside Fiber like wheat brand let’s take some wheat brand throat in a glass of water stir around still sitting there your body your microbiome thinks so Fiber is its best foods miracle grow to your microbiome on the other hand in so Fiber like for instance cant be used by microbio and it actually es like eating razor blades and that we brand actually scratches the lining of your co irritate the lining of your co your body’s pretty smart.

Speaker 3 (40:44):
Ah, gosh stabbing me and im gonna get you outta here believe it or not that’s why Fiber promotes bow movements it’s not some miracle wonderful thing it’s actually irritating your bow and it your bow was trying to get rid of it on the other hand so Fiber is actually what your gut bugs want to eat and that so Fiber allows them to make postbiotics there’s a very important short chained fatty acid called beauty or beauty acid and what’s exciting about beauty rate is that beauty a is the number one favorite fuel of your mucosal cells in your gut particularly your co they use ate to stay alive and there’s very cool Studies that people eat a high ate promoting diet a high solu Fiber diet have very low levels of Cohen can why cause colon sellers are happy but the really cool thing is about ten percent of all the beauty rate your microbiome makes is absorb and goes and talks to your mitochondria and beauty rate can be used as a fuel for your mitochondria and perhaps more excitingly beauty is one of the Preferred Fuels for your neurons in your brain so imagine the idea that eating solu Fiber can actually feed your neurons microbiome making this post why wouldn’t you do that so that’s real excitement why Fiber is so important for you its not to move your bowels it’s actually to your microbiome to produce these compounds that through millea ha been directing yourselves your mitochondria your neurons what to do and to protect themselves believe it or not so that’s the essence of my prebiotics are so important for you to make postbiotics you’re actually enabling an Ancient language that has only recently been discovered and when that language was discovered i can tell you across the scientific field there were so many aha moments that you’re learning about in the energy paradox that i mean its just remarkable how much you depend on Feeding your got bacteria what they want one last fun thing we talked about in the previous episode about time controlled Feeding about limiting the amount of time UE people always wonder well how the Heck am i ever gonna make it to noon before i break my fast break fast im gonna be so hungry well the trick is hunger believe it or not comes from your gut microbiome not getting what they want eat en some incredibly elegant Studies china proven whats called the gut theory of Hung a bunch of Volunteers water fast for either seven or fourteen days one or two weeks water only te gave these individuals about a hundred calories a prebiotic Fiber every day no remember you can’t digest prebio Fiber you can’t absorbe it’s not a fuel for you.

Speaker 3 (44:47):
Es the fuel for microbiome even people week fast they had no hunger the microbiome was being fed what they needed so they weren’t sending signals to the brain to be hungry because they got what they wanted. Imagine what that does for the power of you avoiding hunger by taking a scoop a prebio in some water when you get up when it’s nine o’clock and you’re feeling that hunger pain and you’re never gonna make it to noon dos prebiotics are free for you they don’t count against you exactly what your gut bugs want and you’ll be shocked without that cut hunger so that’s the trick for today so posts communication system between your gut microbiome your mitochondria your brain your hunger center postbiotics are made from prebiotic Fiber that you en remember it’s the so fibers the most important part some of these so fibers we call resistant starches like for instance in a purple sweet potato that you’ve cooked thrown in the refrigerator and then reheated it’s one of the best resistance starches there is Anytime you cook a starch chill it and then reheated itll be much more resistant to digestion by us en more available to our bacteria to make post

Speaker 4 (46:38):
Movies free watch your favorites like witness protection anda’s big happy family join Tyler Perry is he goes on a couple’s retreat with Sharon leel and why did i get married or dr. And Gabriel Union in the Tyler Perry directed film daddy’s little girls plus Pluto tvs hundreds of channels with thousands more movies and TV shows available online and on the man download the free Pluto TV con all your favorite devices and start streaming now Pluto TV drop in watch free

Speaker 5 (47:10):
Sometime in the early eighties rio speed wagons airplane made and unannounced middle of the night landing this

Speaker 6 (47:17):
Is my friend Kyle mclaughlin the star of twin peaks and he is telling me about how he discovered a real life twin peaks in rural north Carolina not far from where. He filmed blue velvet what

Speaker 5 (47:27):
Was on the plane was copious amounts of drugs drugs coming in from South America ly Pablo looking for other spots quiet out of the way places to bring in his cocaine

Speaker 6 (47:40):
My name is Joshua Davis and I’m an investigative Reporter kyron and i talk all the time about the Strange things we come across but nothing quite Strange es what we found in varnum town north Carolina

Speaker 5 (47:52):
Theres crooked cups brother brother everyone’s got a story to tell does the truth even exist welcome

Speaker 6 (48:02):
Is available wherever you listen to

Speaker 2 (48:07):
For the audience question from my recent biani recipe post on Instagram by the way exciting news to share with you to help us all stay inspired eat foods that we love that love us back too from now on every Friday on Instagram i am sharing one of my own healthy recipes or reposting one of your gut friendly recipes if you want me to repost your recipe just take my Instagram account that’s at Steven gundry and use the hashtag gut happy recipes any out back to our question of the week from k to two ninety five why does boss Marty rice have to be from india is this about the roundup used if the rice is white should it not have roundup since the shell is removed sorry I’ve been thinking about these things this week and saw post you well that’s a really good question turns that bus Marty rice from india.

Speaker 2 (49:09):
Has far more resistant starch content than bas Marty rice from the United states so even though they’re both called bas Marty rice theyre totally different en terms of the amount of resistance star that’s available to your as you know we gotta eat for them so they’ll take care of us great question it’s time for the review of the week Debra colorado Gives the doctor guny podcast five stars on Apple podcast and writes this this podcast is brief and loaded with help Optimization tips you can use and afford well thanks Debra i am actually very budget conscious health should be affordable for all and I’m trying to give you the best way to protect your health at the least expense and I’m trying to find everything i can to make things more affordable for you but less you have to spend on healthcare the more you’ll have to spend on great food because im doctor Andre and im always looking out for you

Speaker 1 (50:20):
I hope you enjoyed this episode of the doctor gundry podcast if you did please share this with family and friends you never know how one of these health tips can completely transform someone’s life when you take the time to share it with them there’s also the doctor country podcast youtube channel where we have tens of thousands of free health insights that can help you and your loved ones live a long biter life let’s do this together.