313: Dr. Gundry’s Top 5 Healthiest Breakfasts (and 5 worst breakfasts for health)

We’ve all heard it: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But did our ancestors really pop their heads out of their caves and say, “Hey Mom! What’s for breakfast?!”
For them, “break fast” came only after they hunted or gathered something to eat. That’s one reason why I always encourage you to push your breakfast back as far as you can in my books.
But if you’re a breakfast lover, this episode is for you. I’ll reveal the best and worst breakfast options for optimal health, share my secrets on how to shorten your eating window to boost longevity, and highlight which common foods you can enjoy without breaking your fast.
Tune in and start your day the right way!
On this episode you’ll learn:
- Why breakfast might not be the most important meal of the day after all (2:52)
- How to adapt your system for a healthy routine if you can’t skip breakfast (4:10)
- Which three common breakfast foods you should avoid, no matter WHAT time of day (6:17)
- The terrifying truth about whole-grain bread (6:50)
- How to eat bread (YES – bread!) without wrecking your health (7:46)
- Why you shouldn’t be fooled by ‘cage-free’ or ‘free-range eggs’ (and what to buy instead) (8:09)
- Why glyphosate exposure may become a concern in Europe (and what it has to do with YOUR health) (9:52)
- Why ‘organic’ means NOTHING when it comes to this popular food (16:05)
- The weird, science-backed effect of blending your fruit (you NEED to know this) (16:57)
- 2 popular foods that have been shown to increase heart disease risk by 42% (18:15)
- How intermittent fasting can be more effective than prescriptions for reducing insulin resistance (23:40)
- My trick for enjoying goat or sheep yogurt even if you don’t like the taste (24:47)
- Which food you can enjoy in the morning that won’t break your fast or knock you out of ketosis (26:22)
- Why you should avoid THIS common food if you have a leaky gut or an autoimmune disease (27:55)
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If you liked this episode, you may enjoy:
203: Eat food while fasting (yes, really)
287: Struggling with fasting? Try THIS
227: Fasting WITHOUT the headaches and hunger spells
208: Dr. Gundry talks WORST fasting trends, (and NEVER drink this)
Episode Transcript:
Watch on YouTube:
Why You Should NEVER Have Avocado Toast For BREAKFAST
What breakfast is best for gut health? Dr. Gundry’s Top Picks
What Dr. Gundry Eats for Breakfast and Other Health Questions – Selfie Q&A Special!
Fasting Myths Debunked: The Truth About Your Metabolism