063: Let’s talk about POOP (yes, seriously)

There’s a big mistake that most doctors make with their patients: We NEVER talk about poop.
That’s because this one topic can make people feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, and maybe even a little bit sick.
But poop is incredibly important for your health.
That’s why on today’s episode of The Dr. Gundry Podcast, I’m talking poop!
You’re going to hear answers to questions you might have always wondered about — but were too embarrassed to ask. So if you want to know what poop is made of, what healthy poop looks like, and why “floaters” are a sign of bad health, then you need to tune in to this episode.
I’m also going to teach you the foods you need to eat for healthy bowel movements, which foods you MUST avoid, and why one popular leafy vegetable is like a “ticking time bomb” for diarrhea.
So even if this topic makes you a little squeamish, don’t skip this episode — believe me, your “gut buddies” will thank you later.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The TRUTH about what’s in your poop — and what it can tell you about your health (1:45)
- My “anaconda” method for recognizing a healthy poop (4:15)
- What “floating poop” says about your diet — you might be missing THIS (5:30)
- The surprising reason why most people quickly lose 4-5 pounds on a 3-day water fast (6:45)
- The “backyard toxin” that’s threatening your fragile gut bacteria (10:15)
- Why eating this one “health food” is like “swallowing razor blades” (12:30)
- What traditional Africans knew about diet and healthy eating that Westerners didn’t (14:00)
- The REAL number of bowel movements you should be having every day (16:30)
- 3 simple (and cheap) additions you can make to your diet for bigger, smoother bowel movements (18:15)
- Why this one trendy vegetable is NOT your friend (22:30)
- The crazy reason why poop can make a lean person fat and a fat person lean (28:45)
- How “crapsules” could be a game changer for children on the autism spectrum (31:00)
- A simple reason why you don’t actually need a “toilet stool” for proper pooping (35:00)
- The brain-boosting nutrient that’s abundant in this controversial breakfast food (36:00)
- Why you might never need toilet paper again (seriously!) (38:15)
Mentioned on this episode:
Denis Burkitt and the origins of the dietary fibre hypothesis
Alessio Fasano on gluten sensitivity and diarrhea
Study on autism and fecal microbiota transplants (FMT)
Unintentional weight gain from FMT
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Great podcast Dr Gundry, as usual. I have heard you talk about the consequences of having antibiotics on this podcast and in your books. Can they damage your stomach and intestines in such a way that you cannot digest food anymore? Have ever seen this case?
Thank you Dr. Gundry for this episode, it’s packed full of more helpful information. I was wondering what your thoughts are on gallbladder disease. As a general surgeon, I am usually taking them out but many people come to me now asking if they can do anything besides surgery to get rid of their symptoms/stones. Honestly, I don’t know the answer. Will correcting the microbiome get rid of stones? What can I tell my patients? I would to hear an episode dedicated to this common and sometimes life threatening problem. Thanks again for everything you are doing! You’ve changed my life 😊
Andreas mortiz cleanse wirk for fall bladder issues i was suffering from gall bladder issues and did the cleanse it works
I loved this podcast. So interesting. I had a question. Can obese people treat those bacterium in their gut? For example the weight trainer that got the transplant from her cousin. Can that be reversed?
I am interested in knowing more about the autism gut and best diet.
I heard you mention in this podcast about eating around five cups of salad. I have colitis and have a hard time eating that many greens daily. I find myself hungry a lot due to this problem. Just curious what else I can eat to feel full.
Dr. Gundry, I wish you would address SIBO. I have suffered for six years now with several bouts of SIBO with constipation and continue to suffer with gastritis because the Gastroenterologist I am stuck with is not trained in SIBO and has let me suffer between treatments too long that gastritis occurred. Adding good bacteria is bad because more bacteria of any kind is MORE. They gave me no treatment for gastritis other than omeprazole and water. You can only drink so much water. I don’t have a junk diet. I am a careful eater because I want to live a long time. What are your thoughts?
You mentioned modified citrus pectin, i’m probably way off the mark because my hobby interests are more towards synthesising pectinases, i’m 100% not a micro biologist, just a humble, home tinkerer. Would it be so difficult to make a solid state fermentation to propagate this? That would make it more available, the way mushroom home grow kits are fashionable among some people…
Just a simple 1 line, yay or nay on email would suffice to satisfy my ignorance, i can appreciate how busy you are.
Always curious, Fleety.
Thank you Doctor you’ve made my poop great again! Being “good” with of roughage insol fiber whole wheat chia seeds snacking on sesame seeds without a white staple was traumatizing my bowel, all the GI’s are worthless never educate Soluble vs insol “razor blades” God bless