Dr. Gundry's private practice: (760) 323-5553

Voiceover 0:00
Welcome to the Dr. Gundry podcast where Dr. Steven Gundry shares his groundbreaking research from over 25 years of treating patients with diet and lifestyle changes alone. Dr. Gundry and other wellness experts offer inspiring stories, the latest scientific advancements and practical tips to empower you to take control of your health and live a long happy life.

Dr Gundry  0:24
Good morning, I’m on my way back from France back to Palm Springs when I heard the news of the passing of my neighbors Suzanne Somers from breast cancer.

Dr Gundry 0:37
In medicine, we have a saying that we often die of the disease we treat. And so jokingly, most cardiologists and heart surgeons believe we will die from heart disease. Most cancer doctors believe they will die from cancer and most neurologists are convinced they’ll die of dementia. And in an odd way, that often becomes true. And so it is with Suzanne who is my next door neighbor in Palm Springs along with her husband. In a home she and her husband were restoring and sadly, I really don’t think Suzanne got to spend much quality time at all in the home she loved and wanted to restore to perfection.

Dr Gundry  1:25
I have known Suzanne for a very long time she has been a courageous fighter for informed decision on women’s health, Men’s Health, the alternative treatments of cancer which she espoused so well, and I had her on my podcast, and I wanted to share that podcast with you again, as a tribute to Suzanne and to thank her and her family for all that she did to make quit people question

Dr Gundry  2:00
alternative ways of looking at a problem such as cancer. So here’s to Suzanne, and here’s to you all enjoying this episode.

Dr Gundry 3:25
So this is going to be an exciting podcast. Now you know aging is thought to be a losing battle, but it doesn’t have to be. In just a minute I’m going to speak with actress author and health spokesperson Suzanne Somers. Yes, she’s here on the podcast after a long way. Suzanne who you probably remember from Three’s Company step by step and other television series. She defies virtually every stereotype about getting older. And in her latest book, a new way to age she shares her insights about how to live a healthy happy life, no matter how old you are. So today we’ll discuss how to stop aging like your parents and start aging with energy vibrancy, confidence, and even get this a strong libido. So Suzanne, welcome to the program so so pleased to be speaking with you. It’s great to have you here you are you know really one of the their true forces and pioneers in the wellness movement and and throughout your career and even in your writing you’ve attacked, getting old or aging head on and I you know I applaud you for that. And I also applaud you before we go any farther about being open and frank with your listeners, your readers, your followers about health struggles that you’ve had in about five finding alternatives to traditional medicine to help you in your health issues. So that it’s congratulations again,

Suzanne Somers 5:00
thank you, you know, sometimes in the darkness is the light. And I think that this journey that I’m on that I never planned to be on I began with a cancer diagnosis over 20 years ago. And at that time when I was presented with standard of care, which we be chemotherapy, etc. I said, I can’t do that. And my doctor said, you’ll die. I said, Honestly, the with the way, I think I believe that I personally would die. If I do what you want me to do. Now, that does not make for a good relationship between patient and doctor. And what I do what I do know. And what I explained in my new book is, most people are more comfortable choosing allopathic medicine, meaning, here’s the problem, here’s the drug for that problem. And that’s the way most people are going to go. What I decided to do for myself, and then present it to

Suzanne Somers 6:10
my constituency is, if you’re interested in another way, this is what I do. I never give advice. I’m not a doctor. But

Suzanne Somers 6:20
I know I always thought Stephen, that when I was 73, I would be old. And chronologically I am. But I’m not old. And I believe it’s because of the choices I’ve been making over the last two decades for myself. And when I lecture to women, I always say, every night before you go to bed, make an imaginary list. And in that list, put an imaginary line down the middle. And then think of every choice you made food choices, thought choices, chemical choices throughout the day. And ask yourself, does that choice lead me towards great health or away from it? And what I always say to my audience is, you’ll be surprised how many choices you make away from good health all day long. So do I do it perfect? No. But I think about, I think about every chemical I’m exposed to.

Suzanne Somers 7:18
I have an organic skincare line because I wanted it for myself with absolutely no chemicals. We even got that coveted

Unknown Speaker 7:27
toxic free insignia on ours, which means as we grown organically, extracted organically and nothing upwind or downwind of the product can be toxic to contaminate it. I want it for myself. But there’s a whole constituency out there and you’re running into it to people. It’s like an ocean liner, it takes a long time to take the ocean liner and move it around. But it’s starting to move. There are a lot of us who don’t Asou. allopathic medicine when you need it, you need it. And it’s a godsend. And surgery, nobody does it better than in this country, etc. But if you can first take from my perspective, the non drug alternative choice.

Unknown Speaker 8:13
I feel I’m better off having done that. So some people would, you know, look at you and your career and say, well, she’s always been a health fanatic. She probably was, you know, eating perfectly at age 15. Was that the case? Or was the cancer diagnosis, the real switch that changed things? They all guessed I call it that was the switch. I you know, I did TV series for what, 16 or 18 years. And on every TV series, they’ve got what they call the craft table. It should be called the craps table. Because it’s filled with things that nature never designed. Everything seems to have orange powder on it. The only orange powder I know of that’s healthy for you is turmeric. And there’s no Turmeric on craft table. No. So never seen one. That’s what I mean out of the out of the darkness. There’s light if you look for it.

Suzanne Somers 9:08
I believe because of my being diagnosed with cancer, that I’m healthier today because it was like a proverbial shaking of the shoulders. And I had to say to myself at that time, what have I done in my diet and lifestyle that I played host to this disease? And I started looking at the realities of my life. It wasn’t that I ate bad I just didn’t eat well. I didn’t think about the food that I was eating. I didn’t think about sleep. And I just had started writing books at that time and I always felt if I could stay up all night and write and then the phone doesn’t ring and nobody bothers me. I was missing you know, sleep is a game changer. I’m sure you agree. Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 9:54
I just took charge of I decided to eat as though my life depends upon it. And I

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Great, I eat a high fat high vegetable high protein diet.

Unknown Speaker 10:05
I mean, if you can eat good quality fats, you can have chicken avocado with lemon butter caper sauce, and there’s a lot of great foods that you can eat. So it’s not like I eat boring food, I eat amazing food and I grow my own food. And that’s nurturing and thrilling. And a cauliflower tastes so different when you cut it from the garden, and you bring it right to the kitchen. You eat it raw on the way up, and then you get up there and lightly steam it and I like to put garlic and olive oil and parsley and, and a little butter over it and just sort of scoop up the art of the cauliflower. So I, I really look at cancer as a veiled gift, and it woke me up and

Unknown Speaker 10:56
I love. I love the following that I have. These are all people, men and women who want quality of life. We want to live this long, extended life that we’re all afforded. Now, like it or not, we’re all gonna live longer.

Suzanne Somers 11:14
But who wants to live this long life without quality. And my quality comes from bioidentical hormones. I’ve been on replacement for 20 years and good food choices. I have love in my life, which I think is a big factor. I love my family i i do a little exercise every morning, which I soberly have been doing it for about 15 years knowing that we’re approximately 40 trillion cells, you and I some very anal retentive person counted, I guess.

Unknown Speaker 11:48
And I know that that’s our communication system, right? That all all the cells talk to one another. So every morning, without the first thing I do when I wake up, is I isolate one cell.

Suzanne Sommers 12:00
And I say to that one cell, I love my life. I love my husband, I love my family, I love the food, I get to eat, I love that I live in America. I love my work. And then I add any more gratitudes that I have for that day. And then I released that cell. And in my mind’s eye I know that little guys gotta go tell 40 trillion other cells, Okay, guess what? We love our life. We love the food, we get it. We live living in America, we live our husband. And there’s it takes a nanosecond, and I feel this happiness. And conversely, if I woke every morning, say, Ah, I don’t like my marriage. And my work sucks. And I hate living in this country and all the negatives, guess what the little guys got to go tell everybody. So that taught me that we are actually in control of our happiness, or unhappiness, which is, and I think it’s the same way with health, we are in control of our health, by the choices we make. Knowing none of us is perfect, especially me, but that we do the best we can to make the best choices relative to health every day.

Dr Gundry  13:06
So that’s a great point. So what do you think is the biggest misconception about aging? You know, now that now that you’re 73?

Unknown Speaker 13:16
Is it exactly what you’re talking about? Or is getting old, inevitable?

Suzanne Somers 13:23
chronological aging is inevitable. I mean, and you can’t lie about your age anymore. There’s Google. Women used to lie about their age all the time. But I actually celebrate my age every year when my birthday comes, I think it’s actually better for my brand. What I’m loving is trying to be aspirational for women, that it’s not about facelift. So I mean, if you see me in person, I don’t have a lot of wrinkles. But I’m certainly you know, my neck and things like that. I leave it because I feel that it would be dishonest in the message that I’m putting out that if I started lifting everything up. But what I find through hormones, and then I can this book, I interviewed Dr. Tara Hertog of Belgium. He’s quite renowned and Europese, who he’s a third generation endocrinologist. He is the one who made thyroid legal in Europe. And he’s very forward thinking. So I have been injecting human growth hormone for probably 15 years, which is an anti aging hormone. Everybody’s so afraid of human growth hormone. But when you and I were both young and making a full complement of hormones, guess what we’re also making human growth hormone. And so that keeps my muscles from deteriorating. And he then said to me, in that same shot, put IGF one for elasticity, which is what you get from a compounding pharmacy, and also put alpha thymosin one which goes up here

Same system in the same shot. So a lot of people are afraid of shots. I’m not, I don’t even feel it if there’s a little teeny needle, but I’ve noticed since I was doing that, less wrinkling, and in an unnatural way, that it’s not that kind of super smooth skin that that that looks false. It’s,

Unknown Speaker 15:21
it’s, it’s, it’s a reverse aging, there’s just so many new things happening. So it sounds like I’m afraid of getting old. I’m not. I want cause I, I really am just I have I’m in love with my husband, I I met him when I was 20. And I feel if there’s anything too, we knew one another and other lives. I just knew the day I met him. I was in therapy at the time. And I said to my therapist I met who I’m gonna marry today. He doesn’t know it.

Suzanne 15:51
But this, I want to live a long time with him. So he he does everything I tell him. Like if I had a handful of supplements that go take these, he just takes them. Because I think for 83 He looks amazing. And he’s got energy and juice. And when we’re around his contemporaries, they’re all starting to be hunched over and bad hips and bad knees and and they don’t have the zest and the life and the sharpness. His brain is like that. Well, it has to be the fish oil and the testosterone which I give him his shot every Tuesday.

Unknown Speaker 16:35
And by the way, in this book, Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, I’m sure you know who he is. He’s on the faculty at Harvard. And he conducted a study and he called me for another book of several years ago, so I got something interesting. He said, notice, at that time, it was a two year setting now it’s like a seven year study, that men would come to me with elevated PSAs or prostate cancer and, and he backed up all this science in this book. So it’s not me saying this. This is Dr. Melvin taller. He said, I found with each man that when I gave them testosterone, their PSA levels went down. Their prostates would shrink. I said, How does that work? He said, Well,

Unknown Speaker 17:23
I love this analogy. He said, The prostate is like a woman’s breasts. In in a woman’s breasts, we have ducts where we make no, he said but in a man’s prostate, in the ducts is where testosterone makes food for the sperm. So when a man is making a full complement of testosterone, the prostates nice and tight and small, but as he declines in testosterone, the prostate starts to enlarge. Looking for its major building block, according to Dr. Morgan tall, and as a lay person, I got that that visual all went well does not make sense. And because young men don’t get prostate cancer or elevated PSA is unless there’s some aberration, some exposure to chemicals or things like that. So that’s, that’s life extending to that’s giving men a long life of quality. And in the end, isn’t that what we all want? I want to live to the very end wherever that is.

Unknown Speaker 18:27
And just die the way people used to die. Just goodnight, Gracie.

Unknown Speaker 18:34
Family, you know what I’m talking about? That’s right. That’s right. Most of my listeners won’t won’t get that joke, but that’s okay.

Unknown Speaker 18:44
So, you know, you became very controversial in as a woman with breast cancer who says no, no, no bioidentical hormones are very important.

Unknown Speaker 18:57

Unknown Speaker 18:59
and I know you say look, I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving you know medical advice. But you are kind of a lightning rod and I guess still are for so how is our listener or viewer

Unknown Speaker 19:14
going to take what you’re saying? And deal with that when they have breast cancer and their doctor says, You gotta go on hormone suppressants, you got to have you know, radiation therapy, chemotherapy. What say you? Well,

Unknown Speaker 19:32
I often question I was of the first generation who took birth control pills. Now those of us who have Gosh, that was great. You can manipulate your your cycle by at a hot date with Alan I could move my cycle to Monday and take a few more pills through the hose a terrible thing to do because you’re going against the nature in your body. And anytime you try to out think nature, you’re gonna get in trouble. So the

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Brain, according to what I understand with having written 27 books is it recognizes a reproductive person has valuable. I’m speaking biologically, a molecular bio bio biology. We are here for one reason and one reason only according to biology, and that is to perpetuate this species. Now, isn’t that interesting that we start getting our cancers at the end of our reproductive years? That that says to me, the brain is going, Ah, this person isn’t valuable anymore. Let’s get rid of them. Let’s give them breast cancer. Let’s give them ovarian cancer. Let’s give them prostate cancer. So, when I when I discovered bioidentical hormones, I had three terrible years prior to that.

Unknown Speaker 20:53
I couldn’t sleep. I was gaining weight, my mood changed. I’m an upbeat, happy person. But when you don’t sleep night after night after night, and you’re sweating all night, you’re not in a very good mood. I remember one day, I sort of lashed out at Alan which is very unusual for me and he said, you know, a marriage can only take so much of this. I went, Oh my gosh, I know I’m not bad. The last thing I want to do is send you a Well, I went from doctor to doctor a doctor to doctor I finally found an endocrinologist in Santa Barbara, who who’s doing something about bioidentical hormones for those who don’t understand bile bioidenticals bye biologically identical to the human hormone and exact replica of what your body wants made or still make some of the, the compounding pharmacies make bioidentical hormones out of soy and yams, things like that. So I took my blood tests before I went to the endocrinologist. I drove up there like a min maniac the day of my appointment, and she looked at my bloodwork says, Oh, you poor thing. I said, what? You must feel awful. I said I do. I said, I’m, I’m an upbeat, happy person. I have days when I think the world would be better off without me. That’s how real hormonal imbalance becomes. That’s how real it is. She said, Well, we’re going to start you on bioidentical hormone. She said, you’re making

Unknown Speaker 22:20
very little estrogen, and almost no progesterone, I now realize that’s the combo for breast cancer later on. I’ll get to that in a minute.

Unknown Speaker 22:32
So she said I can’t give you everything you need. Right away. I said why? And she said, because you could literally go crazy. It took you a long time to lose them. You’ve got to build them back up. Slowly, she said but you’re gonna start feeling a little better right away. And she said it will probably take the better part of this year to find your sweet spot. So in the first two weeks, I honestly did start feeling better. And I would call her with my symptoms. I call the symptoms the Seven Dwarfs of menopause, itchy, bitchy, sleepy, sweaty, bloated, forgetful, it all dried up.

Unknown Speaker 23:10
And I would call her saying I edge today and I I’m in a bad mood today. She say what are your stressors then and if it was, there was no obvious stressor in my life. Then she’d realize okay, let’s raise this a little bit and raise that a little bit. She understood the ratios perfect. And it did take me the better part of a year to get me back and when I got me back. It was just the most incredible thing I was sleeping through the night. I didn’t need to take any over the counter drugs. I was in a good mood all the time my weight went away my hair became great. And the indicator of poor hormonal balance is hair and you can see it on women because we have longer hair. But

Unknown Speaker 23:58
I know this sounds shallow but at 73 I love that I have healthy hair. I love it. Because it says to me if my hair is healthy then inside I’m healthy. And what this is all about Steven for me is keeping your insides young, keeping your organs and glands in tip top shape keeping your gut in tip top shape which you know much more about than I do. I want to pick your brain one day and and it all manifests on the outside. If your gut is healthy, you know your skin will glow. if your organs and glands are operating at max your your body won’t wrinkled so much you’ll just have more enthusiasm and zest and it’s such an incredible way to live and you have to give up so little you have to give up chemicals as best you can control by what you put on your skin you know with skincare. When when you look at your arm under a microscope, what our pores look like big holes

Unknown Speaker 25:00
So then the visual is put a chemical cream, I don’t care how expensive it is to chemical cream on your skin. And then imagine where’s that gonna go? It’s gonna drop into your bloodstream, then where’s it gonna go? Well, chemicals, love fatty organs and glands. So they go on a rampage in your bloodstream. Their favorite is the brain, which is the fattiest of all. And one of the things when I wrote my book toxic that I found so interesting is that as, as we build up in chemicals, the brain, the pituitary, and hypothalamus shrinks to make room for more chemicals, more chemicals you take in, the more the poor little brain and hypothalamus and pituitary got to hide in the corner.

Unknown Speaker 25:45
I sometimes wonder is this, where dementia comes from? Is this where all the brain issues of today add ADHD, OCD, Alzheimer’s, you know, I’m not a doctor. But I’m just as a critical thinker going can’t be good to have chemicals up there. So I recommend that I do myself that other people do, because this isn’t medical, HEPA filters in your house to just suck the chemicals out clean with non toxic cleaners, I happen to make one. It’s my chemical cleaners made from colloidal silver, which as you know, is, is safe enough to drink, I don’t recommend it, but it really does the job. And

Unknown Speaker 26:30
just start putting yourself in control rather than waiting for the big fist of life to come at you. You know, most people wait till they’re in the catastrophic state. And then they start climbing up, Phil, what I’m trying to do for myself and to my readers is

Unknown Speaker 26:49
start now. In fact, one quick story. I was at the Vanity Fair Oscar party a few years ago, and I was standing there and I was kind of I like to watch. And this beautiful girl was standing in the corner. Beautiful. She looked like Scarlett Johansson.

Unknown Speaker 27:04
And I could tell she wanted to come over and talk to me. But I could tell she was nervous. And finally she worked up the nerve to talk to me. And I was think that’s so funny, because I’m so normal. And she said, I just hope when I’m your age that I look like you. And I said, thank you very much. I said start now. Start now. It’s never too soon. Yeah, I think that’s a great point, you know, and that’s actually why I wrote my book, The plant paradox family cookbook, because one of the things that I’m I now have two young grandchildren. And I realized that the you know, the sooner my daughter and her husband started feeding those kids, right, the better chance they have of getting you know exactly where you and I want to be with good lifelong health. Right. And in that book, and I want to echo what you just said, There’s a very famous study that anybody can look up. It’s called the Appleton, Wisconsin school study. Were in Appleton, Wisconsin, a lovely little town I visited it, they had a lot of issues with behavioral issues in their junior high truancy, a lot of trip to the junior principal’s office. And so what they did is they contracted with a local cafe, to provide breakfast, organic breakfast and lunches for all the kids. And then they taught all the parents, you know, okay, let’s replicate this at night at dinner the best you can. And they actually followed truancy, behavior and academic performance. And lo and behold, truancy dropped, behavior issues went away, and academic performance got better and better. And they were so excited. And here’s the punchline. They said, well, we need to kind of institutionalize this. So we’re going to contract with a food service provider, because we’re overwhelming this poor little cafe. And you know, we’re going to keep doing this well. And I won’t mention the food service provider, a very large corporation. Lo and behold, the minute the food service provider came in, everything went right back to normal, because they weren’t actually using organic ingredients, and touchy feely, California speak. They weren’t putting in any love into the food that they were making.

Unknown Speaker 29:38
And it’s a great study, and I so agree with you because I believe it’s about the food. And I know you do too. It’s about the food. I think organic is it’s non negotiable in today’s world.

Unknown Speaker 29:52
If you tuned in to my latest podcast episode about algae, you’ve heard about the importance of maintaining your mitochondrial health.

Unknown Speaker 30:00
For healthy aging one other way I recommend taking care of your mitochondrial function is with time controlled eating and supplementing with MCT oil and your lithium a recent research findings have illuminated your lithium age remarkable potential to enhance my Tophet G and bolster mitochondrial function and tissues that are susceptible to the effects of aging and age related ailments. This means that with just a single supplement you have the power to potentially slow down the aging process and significantly enhance your muscle health. My personal favorite your lithium a supplement is Mito pure from timeline nutrition timeline nutrition a Swiss based life science company stands at the forefront of your lithium a research on a global scale. Right now you can test it out for yourself with this special discount timeline is offering 10% off your first order might appear, go to timeline nutrition.com/gundry and use code Gundry to get 10% off your order. That’s time line nutrition.com/gundry.

Unknown Speaker 31:13
Like many of you, I was horrified to learn that New York City Washington DC and New Jersey and some of the worst air pollution in the world this past summer, mostly resulting from devastating Canadian wildfires many local residents were completely unprepared for the extreme levels of air pollution. I wish I could tell you that this is an anomaly but as climate disasters and wildfires become part of the norm it’s time that we take action and protect ourselves from toxins in the air my go to air filter I personally use is air doctor why do I trust air doctor to protect me and my family from dangerous airborne pollutants Well, air Doctor filters out ultra fine dangerous contaminants so your lungs don’t have to their altra HEPA filter has been independently tested to remove 99.99% of harmful particles such as smoke, bacteria, viruses, pollen, mold, and virtually 100% of particles as small as 0.003 microns. So head to air Doctor pro.com and use promo code gunnery and depending on the model you will receive up to 39% off or up to $300 off lock this special offer by going to a irdoctorpro.com and use promo code Gundry that’s air Doctor pro.com and use promo code Gundry.

Unknown Speaker 32:53
In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to escape the pervasive influence of blue light, especially when most of us spend our days glued to screens. That’s why I consistently advise my patients and listeners to wear blue light blocking glasses. By doing so you can safeguard your health against a wide range of potential issues like fatigue, headaches and unexplained weight gain. My go to brand for scientifically backed blue light blocking glasses is bone charge. In addition to my trusted blue light blocking glasses, I love their anti radiation and EMF protection products. All of bone charge products boasts a guaranteed up to 99% EMF blocking technology and their efficacy is backed by science. Go to bomb charge.com/gundry and use coupon code Gundry to save 15% That’s boncharg.com/gundry and use coupon code Gundry to save 15%

Unknown Speaker 34:05
If you’re interested in longevity my guess is you’ve been hearing a lot about nicotine amide right beside and our supplements. There are many reported benefits because nr is converted by your body into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD plus. NAD plus acts as fuel for many key biological processes, such as converting food into energy, repairing damaged DNA, fortifying self defense systems and setting your body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm. Just like most things, the internet is flooded with fake and low quality and our supplements. Well that changes today because our good friends at pro Health launched a new and our supplement using the highest dose of nr allowed by the FDA. It’s the real deal made in the USA and

Unknown Speaker 35:00
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Unknown Speaker 35:15
For an exclusive listener discount and more information, go to prohealth.com and use code Gundry.

Unknown Speaker 35:24
Last month, it was the US Open from my wife Penny and I was like the Superbowl, we cannot get enough and try to tune into as many games as we can. But we’re also avid tennis players too. I’m not gonna lie to you Penny as the real talent here. But I give it my best shot and I love playing even though I’m not like a pro like my wife. Part of performing our best means making sure we are properly hydrated and our electrolyte levels are optimal. Did you know electrolyte deficiency or imbalances can cause symptoms of headaches, cramps, fatigue, and weakness. This is why I’m a big proponent of element electrolyte drink. It wipes out my dehydration with none of the junk the mainstream electrolyte sports drinks have and helps me to perform my best. Many still beats me but at least I put up a good fight

Unknown Speaker 36:20
element comes in a huge variety of flavors. And as always, element offers a no questions asked refunds on all orders if you’re unhappy. And the best part element has a fantastic offer here for you to try it out yourself. Just go to drink, l m n t.com/gundry to claim your free sample pack with any purchase that drink l m n t.com/gundry.

Unknown Speaker 36:57
I mean, I don’t know when we ever thought it was a good idea to spray poison on our food. But it’s not a good idea. I have a story for you. I was watching when Anthony Bourdain was alive, I really enjoyed his show. And I love the way he loves food. And he went to There’s a very famous chef in France, and I can’t remember if it was Michel Girard or was one of those famous chef names. And so they went from Paris to the little village where the chef was from. And when they got to the village, they went to the school that the chef went to, and in the school cafeteria, where the women making lunch. And the kids ate off of dishes that were made of real, you know, glass, you know, not

Unknown Speaker 37:43
real stuff. And they made a great vegetable soup. And all the kids finished all their soup. And then they made this great chicken with sauce that you and I would love with all the pan juices and everything and, and the potatoes and the vegetables and the kids. Every plate was empty, because they were feeding those kids good quality homegrown. A real foods. I always say if you can pick it, pluck it, milk it or shoot it, you can eat it, as long as it’s been breastfed and not sprayed with poison. So I think you and I are on a very similar path in that. Food is all important today. And that’s one of the big choices we make every day. I would have a very hard time eating processed food today knowing all that I know about what it does. So what do you what do you say to your listeners and my listeners that? Well you? I don’t live in Palm Springs or Malibu or Montecito and I don’t have an organic garden and it snows half of the year. Yeah, that sounds great. Suzanne but that’s not my life. How do people do this? In the Midwest, for instance, where I’m from? Yeah, I usually get the it’s it’s so expensive. It’s really not so much more expensive now than it was at one time. Because more and more grocery stores there are I don’t know how pervasive Whole Foods is. But I know that there are other chains around the country that for the people like us who just demand organic food. So let’s say it’s a little more expensive. What’s what’s the most important thing in your life is health. So sometimes you don’t get the new pair of shoes you instead buy high quality. You know if you’re going to eat beef, you know, New Zealand or Australian grass fed organic beef, organic chicken.

Unknown Speaker 39:40
I love fish that man is sure messing up the oceans. You know for our fish oil, we get little Alaskan Pollock way up. It’s hard to find clean fish anymore. Which is really a shame. But that bait we you know, what can we do? There’s nothing you can do about it. Yeah, you know, I give a shout out

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Walmart, there’s a lot to not like about them. But they’ve really insisted that their organic food is basically the same price as conventional all their produce. And you know, and I congratulate them. And you know, and they have the power to do that they can tell their suppliers, hey, you know, we’re not gonna pay you, unless this is organic, same thing. But same thing with Costco. Yeah, with Costco, great quality, organic at a great price you can buy in bulk. So I don’t know what other chains are doing that. But the fact that there are two major American chains doing that it’s available, it’s about how much do you want? How healthy Do you want to be? Yeah, maybe you might have to drive a little further, maybe it’s a bit inconvenient, but to feel the way I feel, at this age, I when I’m in New York, I’m around a lot of people who are a lot younger than me in their 40s. And a lot of them are a lot older than me. And therefore here’s why. If you aren’t, if you’re New York City, and you look up anywhere, on any one of those high rise building buildings, you’ll see multiple EMF towers, electromagnetic fields, that is like brain, you know, pulsating through your brain, they have them in the elevators,

Unknown Speaker 41:22
the the lifestyle there, the lack of sunshine, the lack of, of calm, it ages, people so much earlier. And so if that’s where you live, that’s where you live, but that’s where your choices are more important than ever of your food and why you keep your apartment and in terms of of HEPA filters and non toxic cleaning agents, it makes a big difference my husband is, is like the canary in the coal mine. He carries the HLA gene. Those people who carry that gene are more susceptible to chemicals than other people. If he walks into somebody’s house who’s just sprayed air freshener, he starts getting facial tics and facial spasms. That’s how sensitive he is. And when this happens to him, I think he he’s gonna go down first from the chemicals, but we’re all getting hit. We’re all getting it. And so

Unknown Speaker 42:21
I had a beautiful perfume made for me by Tom Ford. Can you imagine this beautiful person, I can’t wear it. Because Alan is just too allergic to anything. I can wear natural vanilla oils. I put. I think the the oils are very interesting. And every night, before he goes to bed, I put frankincense here I go just like baby Jesus, the little frankincense here, don’t have any myrrh, but it was good enough for him, I also have to tell you this, I really enjoy taking care of him. He takes care of me in so many other ways. And I take care of him and health. And that’s, that’s great in a relationship and you take care of each other. It’s very comforting, loving, gives you a lot of peace, a lot of calm. I think that’s a good point that I want to come back to. And I want to talk about relationships because you and your husband have now been together for 50 years. And as a Hollywood couple, how the heck does a Hollywood couple stay together for 50 years? That is certainly not the norm yet. Come on, give us some secrets here.

Unknown Speaker 43:35

Unknown Speaker 43:37
it’s true love, you know, it’s what I feel like we have what everybody looks for. And we just are lucky enough to find it this time around. And it’s so meaningful to me.

Unknown Speaker 43:49
It means everything to me. So I cherish it and cherish him and take care of him and vice versa. And and I think one of the there two reasons that we’re so happy. He makes me great coffee in the morning. I don’t mean mediocre. I mean great is organic. He walks it around the bend. So he just hands it to me and he waits for my me to take the first sip that I give him a thumbs up. Sometimes I go not as great as yesterday, because we were on a one to 10 scale and the second cup he walks around the bed also, because I don’t like it passed across because it’s hot and it might spill. Because that’s how I’m spoiled.

Unknown Speaker 44:32
Three times a week sometimes for this is my bad habit.

Unknown Speaker 44:38
We meet right here. I’d love you to come over some time, Big Al’s bar here at our house. And it started a few years ago, I’d never had a hard liquor drink in my life. Because I come I’ve written several books about being a child of an alcoholic and my alcoholic father. And my husband I was writing all day and he buzzes my office and he says you want a date? And I said yeah, he said

Unknown Speaker 45:00
Meet me at the bar, Big Al’s bar. So I go down there, and we shared a tequila and listen to music. And pretty soon we were dancing and so lovely that we couldn’t wait to do it again. And so free four times a week we do that now. I had a residency in Las Vegas two years ago. And I didn’t hire a writer. Instead, Alan and I at Big Al’s bar, drinking tequila wrote the act.

Unknown Speaker 45:29
And in all my years of performing in Vegas, they were the greatest reviews I’ve ever gotten. And I thought, because it was absolutely true. No BS, we cleaned out all the BS sitting at the bar. And

Unknown Speaker 45:45
so anyway, coffee in the morning to kill at night. Take care of each other.

Unknown Speaker 45:51
So is Is there such a thing as a soul mate?

Unknown Speaker 45:56
He’s my soulmate. I never knew if I believed in or not, but but he is he is. I once I once read one of Charlotte Maclean’s books didn’t everybody at that time. And she talked about the light Institute in Dallas, down in Mexico, and how you could go there and they could regress you into past lives. And I sit down, I don’t know if I believe it or not. Wouldn’t it be interesting? I said, I know you’re not into this. I said, but that’s what I’d like for my birthday presents $1,500 for four days. So we went and he says, All right, I’m going to buy tamales, there’s homemade tamales that this little grocery store on the corner, I’ll sit on the on the bluff and look at the beautiful scenery. So I go into this little hut. And she asked me lie on a massage table champion dress, which I thought whoa, okay, I don’t know, I have to get undressed. But she covered me with a sheet. And then she stood over me with her hands. And then all of a sudden,

Unknown Speaker 46:52
tears came out of my eyes and landed in my ears. And all of a sudden, I was in a different place and time. And there was Alan. And this was like, I don’t know why. I know. It was Mesopotamia. I don’t know why he was there. And then there’s another life in Ireland. He’s never Allen. He’s my son. He’s my brother who’s something. So maybe there is something maybe it’s all BS. I’d I grant that. But maybe there is something to weed been here before. We’ll be here again. And we hook up with the same people. But the day I met him I walked in and it was, you know, like a light bulb went off. No, I met my wife, Penny, at 20 years old was singing in a singing group in Montego Bay, Jamaica and she was in the audience with her parents. And we I walked over and introduced myself and we we spent the evening talking and that morning, we both decided we were going to marry each other. She bet she went back to her parents rooms and I met the man I’m gonna marry. And fortunately, we were both geographically undesirable because I was at Yale as an undergraduate. She was at the University of California, Santa Barbara. And my parents lived in Atlanta, her parents lived in Greenwich, Connecticut. But we had a hiatus for a while. But long, long story short, we actually reconnected by her seeing me on the Today show when I was a famous baby heart transplant surgeon. And we’ve been together for over 25 years now. And the interesting thing is we even though we diverged our lives for a reason, she never stopped looking for me. And I never stopped looking for her. Because yeah, you you, you know a soulmate and I counsel, I really do counsel, my younger friends. You shouldn’t have to make your spouse or your significant other into something you want to make them into. It is not going to work. I’ve never actually seen it work successfully. You’ll know and just kind of keep working at it until you know. So. So you found your soulmate? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And I dedicated one of my books first book there, that she’s my soulmate. And, you know, your audience doesn’t know. But pretty soon you and I are going to be neighbors. That’s right. And I have a feeling I will meet your wife and I have a feeling that four of us will get along really well. Yeah, I think so. And we as long as you have us over to the bar, but we’ll have we’ll have the tequila see Margarita? No, because there’s too much sugar and margaritas. I don’t drink margaritas. Just just tequila with ice. Okay, all right. And I hope it’s dark tequila and I’ll go into that later. Okay. All right. So now a hot button topic to use an interesting word. So people assume

Unknown Speaker 50:00
Having a low libido, as you get older is normal and it’s unavoidable. You beg to differ. Why is that? And what what can everybody do about this? Well, for a woman when she loses her sex hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA for men and a few others, she cannot feel sex. She’s capable of having sex, but she cannot feel. And that’s what I was going through in those three years. Here I desired my husband and I couldn’t feel anything.

Unknown Speaker 50:35
So when I restored in in and got it in perfect balance, my sex hormones, Whoa, my sex drive came back. And now I was at an age where my children are grown and out of the house. And

Unknown Speaker 50:53
I, we were free to be. Now there’s a lot of talk right now because I, I was on Megyn Kelly show on the Today Show,

Unknown Speaker 51:03
I guess last year with my last book, and she said, I hear you and your husband have sex twice a day. And I said, Yeah, but I sleep through one of them.

Unknown Speaker 51:16
I said, What is it about man at four in the morning? Well, I My God and social media. I got this thing. Suzanne Somers condones marital rape. And I thought marital rape. Are you kidding? What I was really trying to do and talk about my sex life. There’s not too much information, what I was trying to do is to say, It ain’t over. It ain’t over. And if you accept that it’s over, you’ve kind of thrown in one towel. And I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet. I, I love to get dressed up, we go out for dinner, you know, I have a tequila and I love those evenings. I love to date. I love the whole keeping the romance alive. And here in the desert, you can do that so well, because it’s conducive to that. So I’m just trying to let women no not, you know, look at me, look what we’re doing pretty much every day. And I know that sounds like a lot, but it’s just, it’s there. And he’s juiced up on testosterone. And

Unknown Speaker 52:21
you know, with testosterone. Also, what he loves is he works out with free weights. He’s on testosterone and HGH and DHEA. But he’s very developed like really big biceps, which you cannot do without testosterone and HGH helps

Unknown Speaker 52:37
building bone and muscle. So estrogen and testosterone and anabolic the the they build, it’s what is it osteoblasts and osteo class, build and burrow bone and build bone that’s hormonally driven. So old ladies who are constantly breaking hips and, and fracturing things just because of hormonal loss. I can look at a woman I just know the state of her health by her hair, by her posture. You know, the ladies who are old but skinny, but they’ve got a big belly. That’s hairline fractures in their spine, that eventually, that spine collapses, they get shorter pushes the spine pushes out the abdomen, right pretty soon she’s got this big belly that has nothing to do with what she’s eaten. So I I pay a lot of tension to my bone structure to keeping my bones I take calcium, but always with vitamin K. I love the the description providing K It’s good for your heart, it’s good for your heart, because calcium, as you know, wants to go into the soft tissues, the arteries, this is your you should be saying this. And the K is like a little traffic pop that says nothing at all. Let’s go back into the bones. And that’s why K is good for the heart because it keeps it away from the soft tissues. I just find

Unknown Speaker 54:01
health so fascinating. Understanding how the body works so fascinating. And what I say to my readers is you are the contractor. This is your body, your life, no one’s going to care as much as you I don’t care how great your doctor is, it’s your life. So you be the contractor you read, you find out you learn as much as you can. And then when you go to doctors, you can go in knowledgeable and be able to have a conversation that starts here rather than the doctor having to start at kindergarten. And you will be so far ahead of the game. And I hear from women all over the world. I’m so privileged I have 25 million books in print around the world. And I hear from all over the place of how this has been life changing for women and now the men are coming because the men saw that the wives are doing really good and they want some of that

Unknown Speaker 55:00
too, and this is just as much for men as for women is equal. You have hormones, we have hormones, you have more testosterone than estrogen, and we have more estrogen than testosterone. But it’s interesting, you know, when you see all people who have weak voices and

Unknown Speaker 55:22
man boobs on, man, that’s because as we decline in in hormones, a man’s testosterone as it keeps dropping, your shoulders drop, your stomach gets bigger, you get kind of grumpy, you get kind of growl, Jolly. And look what happened, your estrogen is now higher than your testosterone. And that’s why you speak not with a high voice, and you got the man boobs, same thing for the women. As she starts to decline, the father itchy, itchy, sleepy, sweaty, bloated, forgetful, and all dried up that that drops down. And pretty soon she’s she’s got more testosterone than estrogen. And I don’t know if Lauren Bacall was just a real estrogen kind of chair, that deep voice you know, if you remember. So

Unknown Speaker 56:11
we want to stay a woman and we want to stay a man and the right balance and the right ratios and have a quality of quality of life. Long Life is great. Quality to me is the key. Yeah, I think that’s the point that I try to make it all my books. This is this is the only house I’m ever going to live in. Yeah. And if we put as much effort into taking care of this house, as we do to the home we occupy or our car, or our outfits. Imagine what could happen. And you know, and I thank you again for writing a new book. So how do people find you? As if nobody knew where we’re going to find this book? Oh, go to Amazon, go to my website. It’ll be all over the place. There are two other things in there that I just want to bring up that every book startles me, I never know what I’m going to really.

Unknown Speaker 57:10
I don’t have a preconceived notion other than with each one, the title, a new way to age, I’m doing it. And then I bring in all these incredible doctors and scientists. What came up as the most cutting edge is cellular health, which I thought about in terms of communication, like I said before, but now there’s something so fantastic. We all know when the pipes in our house get clogged and corroded that the water doesn’t flow and the house, the pipes don’t work as well. Well, the same thing happens with the cells with aging. The cells get filled with debris is called autography. There’s a new supplement called senolytics. activator. Correct? That cleans out cellular debris. It’s like cleaning the roto rooter in the pipes of your house. Well, how about that? And then there’s the other one NAD, my lad. Do you know it’s like take a mind’s adenine dinucleotide. I could be wrong on the first word of mine. Yes, thank you, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 58:21
That repairs DNA breaks before other things that cellular health again, that’s reverse aging. So there’s that there’s there’s so many new wonderful things coming down the pipe. And those two things that I just mentioned. Very inexpensive. Like for this analytic activator, you only take it once a week, eight bucks a month, the NAD is a little more expensive than not terrible. So if this is a good time to be aging, really a good time. By the way, I just want to say one thing to you of what a what an impact you’ve made, that people are talking about your approach to health and food and, and gut health. And I think that’s one of the most important areas right now. Everybody’s got something wrong with their gut. So you’ve done an amazing job and your career. I follow your career. From all the facets of your career. It’s really incredible. So congratulations. Well, thanks. I’m just echoing Bakker, 80s, who said 2500 years ago all disease begins in the gut. And he was right.

Unknown Speaker 59:30
Have you ever heard that story that Napoleon used the Egyptian sphinx for target practice and shot its nose off? Or maybe you’ve heard that a French astrologer named Nostradamus correctly predicted nearly 500 years of human history. Or maybe someone told you that the legendary blues guitarist Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil at a crossroads in Mississippi.

Unknown Speaker 59:58
These stories

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
are what I like to call historical myths, great little tales that may or may not have any basis in historical fact, on our fake history, we explore these historical myths and try to determine what’s fact. What’s fiction and what is such a good story. It simply must be told. If you dig stories about death, obsessed emperors, lost civilizations, desperate sieges, Voodoo black magic, and famous historical figures, you thought you knew that our fake history might just be your new favorite podcast. If you dig it, then subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts

Unknown Speaker 1:00:58
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