061: Wellness blogger claims: THIS turned her Hashimotos around

If you eat right, make healthy choices, and STILL feel lousy… you’re not alone.
Not too long ago, my guest Gina Hill suffered from migraines, cystic acne, joint pain, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, pulsatile tinnitus, chronic fatigue, and depression — all while eating what she THOUGHT was a healthy diet.
But when she learned how to cut lectins from her diet, she was able to turn things around. “Since going lectin-free, I’ve reversed my Hashimotos and my thyroid levels are normal for the first time in 10 years,” says Gina Hill about her incredible results of going on the Plant Paradox program.*
As a result of her newfound health, she created “Lectin Free Creations by Gina,” a website and Instagram account with tasty lectin-free recipes and has even launched a lectin-free revolution in own community in Warrenton, Virginia.
On this episode of the Dr. Gundry Podcast, we discuss what it takes to go lectin-free, and how to eat right without feeling deprived.
We also discuss the almost instant benefits that can come with going lectin free.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- What your doctors aren’t telling you about your adult acne (4:30)
- The nightmarish symptoms of Rocky Mountain Fever (5:17)
- Gina’s grocery bag tip for cutting out lectins “cold turkey” (12:40)
- The truth about Ezekiel Bread (it’s not all it’s cracked up to be) (13:20)
- The “dangerous” meal Gina was eating every day (you might be eating it too!) (14:20)
- The instant benefits of going lectin free. (17:00)
- Why the idea of “everything in moderation” needs to die (19:50)
- What your fingers and toes say about your gut health (24:00)
- An easy starter meal for lectin free “newbies” (30:00)
- Gina’s no-nonsense secret for being successful on The Plant Paradox diet (34:20)
- The connection between cutting lectins… and your eyebrows. Yep, really! (35:15)
- The best lectin-free influencers to follow on Instagram (37:20)
- What cheese and hard drugs have in common (41:20)
- The food you should eat at night to help alleviate muscle cramps (46:30
*The Dr. Gundry Podcast does not offer medical advice.
Mentioned on this episode:
Lectin Free Creations Instagram page
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Dr. Gundry. I have been following your diet and today I came across this products recommended by this organic shop owner..
1) Extra virgin olive oil from Israel.( known as best seller)
2) Vitamin E
3) Eason oil
And 4) dr. Wheatgrass products – I was looking for my friend son’s eczema treatment. I would recommend her tea tree oil spray but his owner was telling me all her relatives got better with this product. I know whearglass has lectin from your podcast and book I learnt – so I told her but she didn’t get it… dr. Gundry, pls help me understanding this!! Thank you very much
Dr. Gundry, Gina mentioned a sourdough bread that was “Gundry Compliant” but I can’t find it. Can you help. I read all your books, am lectin free and love your podcasts. Thanks forever.
Wondering if autoimmune disorders can affect mitral heart valves. If so, what is the best diet to minimize the possibility of this happening. I eat pretty well and follow most of the advice given by Dr. Gundry, but am 65 and developed a heart murmur that required surgery to install an annulus ring. Feel much better post surgery. Also, the recommendation from my surgeon is to take 2g of amoxicillin (antibiotic) prior to any Dental Procedure and I see the AHA and ADA recommend the same for an annulus ring patient. Is this really beneficial though as it will destroy some of my microbiome and could cause worse immunity, correct?
Good Afternoon, I had a mitral valve replacement 12/17/2019 and I take Coreg twice a day as well as rheumatoid arthritis I take ENBREL once a week. I am gaining weight not losing weight. I would love to take your products but I am afraid on interactions with my meds. What’s your opinion on that I need some help more worried about it affecting my valve!!!