314: Must-have blood tests, TikTok health trends, and SIBO

Are you truly getting the most out of your yearly check-up?
While regular appointments are essential, many traditional exams fall short of providing a comprehensive view of your health.
In this episode, I’ll reveal the top three crucial health tests that you should be requesting from your doctor to gain a complete picture of your well-being.
But that’s not all—I’ll also explore the latest health trends making waves on TikTok. Are these trends genuine breakthroughs, or just fleeting fads?
Finally, I dive into the buzz around SIBO and determine if this newly spotlighted disorder deserves your attention or is simply overhyped.
Join me to ensure you’re not missing out on essential insights for your health!
On this episode you’ll learn:
- The ONE test you should always request at your next check-up (2:49)
- Why you might be eating less but still gaining weight (3:45)
- What insulin resistance really means (and what your ideal levels should be) (6:11)
- Which body parts you should maintain your focus on in the gym (9:25)
- The surprising reason why 80% of people are deficient in THIS vitamin (and the real amount you should be supplementing) (10:39)
- Discover the mutation that half of us carry – and my simple trick to overcome it (13:45)
- A practical way to boost strength, mobility, and fitness in just minutes (19:39)
- The crucial test you need before trying mouth taping to stop snoring (23:20)
- Whether or not you can detoxify your body with the “cabbage soup diet” (24:30)
- The hidden dangers in most protein powders that buyers should beware of (27:25)
- How to make the viral “sleepy girl mocktail” gut health-friendly (32:16)
- Why doctors have it ALL WRONG when it comes to SIBO (39:55)
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Episode Transcript:
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SIBO: Why Doctors Have it ALL WRONG (and what’s really causing your bloating)
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