088: Dr. Gundry: COVID-19 myths, busted

There’s a lot of confusing information about the coronavirus…
And plenty of people aren’t sure what they should be doing to protect themselves and their families from Covid-19.
That’s why on today’s episode of the podcast, I’m going to tackle some virus myths, explain what you should be doing TODAY to keep you and your family safe, and discuss why this virus has completely shut down countries across the world.
And whether you are safely at home or out working on the front lines of this pandemic, remember: We are all in this together.
The more we all work together, the easier it will be to rebound from this stronger than ever.
Because of that, this might just be the most important episode I’ve EVER recorded — so don’t miss a second.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The reason we DON’T panic during flu season (1:45)
- Why 1 out of every 3 Americans is actually at higher risk of getting the coronavirus (6:15)
- Why there isn’t a vaccine for the common cold — and why that’s actually good news for dealing with Covid-19 (13:15)
- Tony Robbins’s “traffic technique” for thinking through your fears (24:15)
- THIS is your body’s first line of defense against viruses and bacteria — and the simple way you can strengthen it right in your kitchen (27:00)
- The sweet reason why this “healthy” beverage may actually blunt your immune system’s ability to protect you (34:25)
- The old wisdom is WRONG — here’s why you shouldn’t eat an apple a day (37:30)
- My furry “prescription” for keeping up your spirits during stay-at-home (42:00)
- The very first thing you should do if you think you have the coronavirus (plus — the absolute LAST thing you should be doing) (43:15)
- Why THIS symptom of the common cold is probably not a sign you have Covid-19 (44:45)
- How you’ll know when it’s time to actually go to the ER (47:15)
- The TRUE origin of Covid-19 (48:30)
- The single biggest mistake we’ve made as a society — and why it especially matters right now (57:00)
- Why you might be able to catch the coronavirus TWICE (58:30)
Mentioned on this episode:
Distilleries and breweries start producing hand sanitizer
New York Times offers free coronavirus coverage
The latest Covid-19 information from the National Institutes of Health
Why there’s no coronavirus vaccine
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What was the supplement name that started with a C – Something like Cursiden?
The death toll on April 6 was 12,000 not 1200. Was this an oversight? You mentioned it twice.
Hell Dr. Gundry,
Thank you for your research and writing the Plant Paradox. I have been following the Plant Paradox diet for sometime and it has helped me regain my health.
I am very concerned about getting the Covid 19 vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna). Can you tell me how long after getting the MRNA vaccine does it continue to instruct your body to create the Covid 19 protein?
Thank you.
hi, I would like to print out the transcript for my 84 yo aunt to read…she has no access to internet, no email and no smart phone. I keep her in touch outside of her normal cable and TV information. I just can’t see where to be able to print out for her. Thank you.
Dr Gundry,
I love and respect your knowledge!
I’m 45 years old, I like to know what do you think about MPK Suplement for belly fat. I exercise and eat very healthy, but I don’t know why the fat from inner thighs, hips and triceps also my stomach don’t burn? I guess is my hormones, I looked on line , there is everything, all kinds of programs, etc. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO, I’m what they call skinny fat, I’m 5 inches tall. I also tried your program , healthy keto etc. I looking to have a lean body, so I use weights and eat clean and organic. What I’m doing so wrong? Please help. Do you think that MPK supplement, will help?
Thanks, Diana
Are you advocating for the shot that they are calling a vaccine?